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1090 <br />recent weeks,; and to the effect that he intended to g6 forward with his work with <br />quick dispatch. He also brought up the matter of the,expenditures to be made an&, <br />which had been agreed upon on June 17th and amounting to about $500.00. Councilman <br />Madsen spoke in behalf of the sewer situation and recommended that Mr. Britten <br />proceed without delay. Councilman Olesen spoke with regards to what Mr. Britten <br />had done acrd that he had considered the improvements so far made of much consequence. <br />Councilman Apperson reviewed past conditions at the farm, what had been accomplished <br />by Mr. Britten and of his interests in allowing Mr. Britten to take over the work. <br />Some discussion followed with regards to articles to be purchased at the sewer <br />farm and Councilman Madsen advised that same would be secured through the regular <br />form of issuing the necessary requisitions to cover same. The clerk was instructed <br />to prepare a copy of the report of Mr. Britten together with the list of equipment <br />- necessary at the farm and to keep same on file. <br />The following resolutions were then presented: <br />Resolution No. 1512 -- Authorizing the payment of the salaries of the municipal officers <br />for the month of June and amounting to 5 ?745.00. <br />Water <br />Resolution No. 1513 -- Authorizing the payment of the 34th Municipal1Bond amounting ' <br />to §500.00 and 7 coupons of interest @. 12.50 -- $87.50. <br />Actions on the resolutions were then taken as follows: <br />Resolution No. 1512 -- Adopted on motion of Councilman, Apperson seconded by Councilman <br />addsen ana with all th.e Councilmen in favor of same. <br />Resolution No. 1513 -- Adopted on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman <br />Olesen and with all the Councilmen in favor of same. <br />The Clerk then presented the Annual Report of the Financial Transactions of <br />the Town of Pleasanton for the period ending May 31, 1934. As . dividual reports <br />had been sent to the memebers of the City Council early in thetn'�- eeek the-report <br />in full was not read by the Clerk at the meeting. Instead various items as regards <br />receipts and expend.itires were commented from the Clerk. Upon the completion of <br />the Clerk's report Councilman Apperson spoke with regards to its completeness and the <br />,satisfaction which had been received as regards the report being more in detail <br />this year. On his motion seconded by Councilman Amaral and with all the Councilmen <br />in favor of same the re -port was accepted. Mayor Orloff complimented the Clerk <br />upon the report and its preparation. Other favor comments were heard from Council- <br />men Madsen, Apperson, Amaral. and Olesen. In the recommendation of Councilmen <br /> well as further recommendations of Councilmen Apperson the efficiemey <br />of the Clerk's office was stressed and both recommended further compensation. <br />Mayor Orloff spoke in favor of same and advised that the matter would be taken <br />under consideration. <br />Mr. Glassey requested ithe,:::permission of the Council for the Fruitvale <br />Lodge of Masons to use McKinley Park on Saturday evening, September 22nd for a <br />barbecue. There was no objections from the Council to the lodge holding their <br />gathering at that time. 1dr. Madsen reported to the Council that following <br />a barbecue at the park last Thursday evening June 28th that the park had' <br />been left in a bad shape and not properly cleaned. He requested that in the <br />future all organizations as well as individuals using the park should clean <br />up the park immediately thereafter case anyone wishing to use the ra.rk the <br />following day that same would be in readiness for them. The.council concurred <br />in Mr.11adsen remarks. <br />There being no.further business the meeting adjourned at 11 o'clock to <br />meet'.in regular session on Monday evening, August 6th at 8 o'clock. <br />'k,A,4W4�,� <br />Approved: <br />Mayor <br />er <br />Pleasanton, California, August 6, 1934. <br />The Town Council of the Town of Pleasanton was called to order at 8 o'clock <br />on the above written date with Mayor Thos. Orloff presiding. Present at 10111 call <br />were: Councilmen Madsen, Amaral, Olesen and Orlof'f, and absent Councilman Apperson. <br />Immediately following roll call the Clerk took the occasion to make a few <br />remarks with the passing of Mr. Henry Reimers, a former Councilman of <br />Pleasanton and who had served the municipality for twenty years. The clerk <br />mentioned numerous projects developed during the terms that Mr. Reimers served <br />and also the watchfulness which he exerted over the Treasury of the municipality <br />during the years that he was in office. <br />The minutes of the meting held on July 2nd, were approved as read. <br />