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582 <br />Ayes Trustees Pickard, Bairos, Garatti, and Bruce. Noes, None, Absent; Trustee <br />Orloff. <br />p m. <br />Approved <br />•ing. <br />Approved <br />There being no furthet business the board adjourned until May 13th at 8 o'cicok <br />President of thr Board of Trustees. <br />The meeting was called'to order at 8 p. m. with President C. A. Bruce in the <br />chair. The roll call showed Trustees Pickard, Bairos, Garatti and Orloff to be <br />present. None absent. <br />A petition signed by property owners wgose lands face on Neal street between <br />Main street and Railroad avenue was read, and upon motion of Trustee Pickard, sec- <br />onded by Trustee Orloff, denied. The roll call was unanimous. <br />There heing no further business the board adjourned until the following evening <br />at 8 p. m. <br />Presidnt of the Board of Trustees <br />Presidnt of the Board of Trustees. <br />Pleasanton, California, May 13th, 1924. <br />Town Clerk <br />,e <br />Town Clerk <br />Pleasanton, Ca;ifornia, May 14th, 1924. <br />The meeting was called to order at 8 pp m. with President Bruce in the chair. <br />The roll call showed all the trustees to be present. <br />The matter of paving Neal street between Main street and Railroad avenue was brought <br />up and dicussed. <br />Trustee Garatti moved that the board agree to reimburse the property owners for <br />the expense of paving the street to the extent of 20% of the cost -the total expense <br />to the Town of Pleasanton for the entire job not to exceed. p1000.00. The reimburse <br />ment to be on the basis of 6 per cent to pay for engineering fees and 14 par cent for <br />inspection and the gravel to be hauled from the street. The motion also embodied <br />the statement that the property owners were to file claims against the town for the <br />amounts due.:them in the manner prescribed by law. <br />The motion was seconded by Trustee Orloff, and passed by the unanimous vote of <br />the board. <br />The clerk was directed to write to the Ye?tern Pacific Railway company and <br />thank them for plP 1' wipi s2. airy;: on the Tanta Itt ;Conti, and qnk t Another <br />he pZ on 3t. John street ua soon ng practicable. <br />There being no 'urther business the board adj urneo til the next regular meet <br />Town Clerk <br />