•Be It resolved-by the Board-of-Trustees of-the Town- of Pleasanton-tgat• the• Totiwn-
<br />C1erk•be and- he. is-hereby- authorized -and instructed- to-draw warrants on -the Town Treas-
<br />urer in favor of the persons named below or the amounts respectively set opposite their
<br />names;
<br />C. Letham, Town Clerk, •etc 75.00
<br />E. L. Benedict Town Treasurer 10.00
<br />Frank C. Nevis, Marshal, Supt.Streets, etc 135.00
<br />A. Petersen, nightwatchman 110.00
<br />WM. H. Graham scare fire apparatus 10.00
<br />Hugh Sinclair ,..engineer.and.Sanitary.Insp• 125.00
<br />Dr. J. Hal Cope, Health Officer' 10.00
<br />Mary J. Viada, janitor•Town Hall 15.00
<br />%V.' T. Davis, recorder 10.00
<br />C. A. Gale, attorney P5 00
<br />The above resolution was adopted this 5th day of May. 1924 on motion of Trustee
<br />Garatti seconded by Trustee. Bairos,-and the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Pickard,
<br />Garatti, Bairos'and Bruce. Noes. None. Absent, Trustee Orloff.
<br />Municipal Improvement Bond
<br />Amended Street Plans Filed
<br />C. Letham, Town Clerk.'
<br />Resolution No. 972
<br />Whereas, the 13th installment of Municipal Improvement Bond, amounting to 41000.00„
<br />and the 27th installment of interest thereon amounting to 1607.50, b comes due and payable
<br />on the first day of May, 1924; therefore
<br />Be It hesolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton, that the clerk be
<br />and he is hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the Town Treasurer in favor
<br />of E. L. Benedict for th sum of '1607.50 in payment of muni:.sipal improvement bond and in-
<br />terest as set forth above.
<br />The adchption'of the foregoing resolution was moved by Trustee Bairos, seconded by
<br />Trustee Garatti, and carried by the following vote: Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Bairos,
<br />Garatti and Bruce.
<br />Noes. None.
<br />Absent; Trustee Orlmff.
<br />Ur inauoe l.e7eives First Reading
<br />The following ordinances w^ s read and 'ordered laid or the liable 10k lien daps,:
<br />The Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton Doe ordain as follows:
<br />m Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to own, keep or
<br />maintain within the limits of the Town of Pleasanton any bees, or swarms or hives of bees
<br />or an apiary, or to carryon the business of bee keeping within the'limits of the Towm of
<br />Pleasanton.
<br />Sec. 2. -Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
<br />shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars (4100.00), or by imprison-
<br />ment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
<br />Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Pleasanton Times, and shall
<br />take effect thirty days after its final passage by the Board of Trustees of the Town of
<br />Pleasanton.
<br />L. J. Bierback., representing the firm of Heafy, Moore.& McNad.r, presented amended
<br />Plans and specfications for the construction of Main street, whic:i upon motion of Trustee
<br /> AO ,iros, seconded by Trustee Garatti, and the unanimous votes of the members present, were
<br />cepted and filed as the original plans for the street construction.
<br />It was moved by Trustee Garatti, seconded by Trustee Rckard, and carried by'the unanimous
<br />vote of the trustees present that the contracr heretofore entere into with the firm of
<br />Heafy, Moore McNair, for the` construction of a strip of Main streetin front of the Town
<br />Hall, be amended to conform with the plan and specifications accepted by the board this
<br />date.
<br />Resolution No. 973
<br />The following resolution was adopted:
<br />Be Ir resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton that the president
<br />of said Board of Trustees be and he is hereby authorizec}mempowered and directed on behalf
<br />of said board to enter into an agreement with the Pacific Gas Electric company for'the
<br />lighting and maintenance of lights upon the streets of the. Town of 1easanton for the term
<br />of one year beginning February 1, 1924, according to the terms of the proposed agreement
<br />submitted by said company to said board, the same being a renewal of the agreement entered
<br />into with said company for the lighting and maintenance of lights upon the streets of the
<br />Town of Pleasanton for the year beginning F ebruary 1, 1924.
<br />Moved byoTrustee Pickard, seconded by Trustee Garatti and carried by the following vote;
<br />