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Pleasanton, California, June 2, 1924. <br />The Board of Town Trustees was called to order at 8 p. m. with President C. A. <br />Bruce in the chair. The roll call showed the following to be present; Trustees <br />Pickard, Bairos, Garatti, Orloff and Bruce. Absent none. <br />The minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved. <br />Bee Men Protest <br />Mr. Hartman presthdent of the Bee Growers association of Calicffornia, addressed the <br />Board. His address was in the nature of a protest againstvthe adoption of a proposed <br />ordinance prohibiting the keeping of bees within the town limits. Talks alomg similar <br />lines were made by E. E. Hall and the Rev. John E. Stuchell. <br />Roy Mendenhall, local bee man, whose bees have resulted in much complaint by resi0 <br />dents of the town, agreed to remove his hives at any time they proved a nuisance to <br />anyone. The ordinance was laid on the table. <br />Claims <br />The following list of claims was read by the clerk and referred to the finance com- <br />mittee: <br />Claim No. 214 -Mrs. Effie Charvo, services election officer 5.00 <br />215 Ambrose Rivol$a, services election officer 5.00 <br />216 -Lydia Rathbone, services election officer 5.00 <br />217- -Edith Ziegenfuss, services election officer 5.00 <br />218 -T. R. Miles, services watchman on streets 22.50 <br />219 Charles Striker, labor water dept 4.00 <br />220 -T. R. Miles, watchman on street 21.50 <br />221T -Chris Waehling, watchman on streets 45.50 <br />222 -L. B. Carr, cleaning fire hose 8.00 <br />223 -W. T. Davis, services deputy marshal, etc 8.80 <br />224 Ottelio Brogillio, labor at fire house 15.00 <br />225-- Pleaanton Agricultural rVorks.rspmirs 7.00 <br />226- -Frank Viada, sprinkling and road wprk 199.50 <br />227 -Chris Ericksen, gardening 10.00 <br />228 -C. T. Hamer, supplies water dept 4•98 <br />229 -C. T. Hamer, supples water dept 6.90 <br />Gus Schneider, painting road signs 14.00 <br />Cruikshank Ko].ln, labor and supplies, water dept 74.49 <br />232-- Cruikshank Kolln, labor and repairing garden tools 1.25 <br />233 -Mae L. Pickard, supplies 12.35 <br />234 Pacific Gas &Electric Co., street lights 122.30 <br />235Pacific Gas ?'c Electric Co., power 1142.60 <br />236 Pacific Gas Electric Co., sewer farm .56 <br />237 Pacific Gas Electric Co., town hall lights 7.20 $748.37 <br />OFFICERS MONTHLY REPORTS <br />The following monthly reports of the various town officers were read and referred <br />to the finance committee: <br />Clerk's Report <br />To the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton: <br />Gentlemen: -I most respectfully report that I hatre issued to the Town Marshal during <br />the month of May licenses for collection as follows: $100.00 <br />and water bills amounting to 589:)05 <br />and to the Town Engineer water bills amouting to 9.00 <br />The finances of the Town as shown by my books are as follows: <br />583 <br />