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580 <br />The finances of the Town as shown by myb books, are as follows: <br />Balance cash on hand per my last report $10,073.59 <br />Amounts since collected <br />From Town Marshal, licenses 428.00 <br />Taxes from Town Marshal 1,340.40 <br />Water from Town Marshal 578.05 <br />Water From Town Engineer 15.80 <br />Dance Fees from Clerk 10.00 <br />Town Clerk, personal property taxes 211.45 <br />412,657 .29 <br />Less Amount of warrants issued, April 7, 1924 3.428.71 <br />Casg Balance in hands of treasurer 9,228.58 <br />Divided as follows: General Fund, 06,359.98: Town Hall Bond Fund, $568.81; Water <br />Bond Fund, $613.52; municipal improvement bond fund, $1,686,32. <br />Town Treasurers Reportl <br />To the Board of Trustees, Town of Pleasanton, Gentlemen: I most respectfully present <br />the following report of town finances. <br />Cas# on Hand per my last report 010,073.59 <br />Amounts since received: <br />From Town Marshal to5An.46 <br />From Town Clerk.. 221.45 <br />From Town Engineer' 15.80 2,583.70 <br />012,657.29 <br />Amounts paid on Town Warrants, Nos. 216 to 240 Inclusive 3.428.71 <br />Cash Btr1Unce in my hands this date 9,228.58 <br />Signed_, Pleasanton, Cal., this 5th day of May, 1924. <br />E. L. Benedict, Town Treasurer. <br />Committee Appointments <br />Recess <br />C. Letham, Town Clerk. <br />O <br />resident Bruce announced the appointment of the following trustees to handle the <br />various deprtment of the Town Government. <br />Supplies-- Fimance and Fire Department Trustee A. B. Pickard. <br />Public Utilities, Parks and Camp Grounds Trustee J. E. Bairos. <br />Streets and Buildings Frank Garatti <br />Ordinance, Judiciary and Trustees Thos, Orloff. <br />Appliation for Dance <br />An applivation to bold a social dance in the I. D. E. 8. Hall on the night of <br />May 10th, under the auspices of The Revelers, was received and permission granted. <br />The Board then took a brief recess during which the claims againstvthe Town <br />were audited and the officers monthly reports examined. <br />Claims. Etc. Approved <br />The Board was gain calle to order and Trustee Pickard on behalf of the finance <br />committee, reported that claims Nos. 197 to 213, inclusive, amounting to 0572.48, <br />had been examin d and approved, and moved that warrants be drawn on the treasurer in <br />favor of the respective claimants. The motion was seconded by Trustee Bairos, and <br />carried by the following vote; Ayes: Trustees Pickard, Bairosm Garatti, and Bruce. <br />Noes, none. Absent, Trustee Orloff. <br />Trustee Pickard also reported that the officers' monthly reports had been examined <br />and approved, and on order of President Bruce they were placed @n file. <br />OfficerS' Monthly .Salar&es <br />.B e— It re ±vad --b e Board of T <br />Resolution No. 971 <br />