Also, that Charles A. Bruce was elected to the office of Trustee of the Town of Pleas-
<br />anton for the full term of .four years;
<br />Also that Thos, Orlodf. was elected to the office of Trustee of the Town of Pleas-
<br />anton for the full term of four years;
<br />Also that C. Letham was elected to the office of Torn Clerk for the full term of four
<br />years;
<br />Also that E. L. Benedict was elected to the office of Town Treasurer for the full term
<br />of our years.
<br />Theadoption of the foregoing resolution was moved by Trustees Pickard, seconded by
<br />Trustee Bairos, and carries by the following vote:
<br />Ayes; Trustees Pcikard, Garatti, Bruce, Bairos and Schween.
<br />Noes; None.
<br />Absent; None.
<br />There being no further business the board adjourned without date.
<br />Pleasanton, Califormia,April'21st, 1924.
<br />The newly elected board of trustees was called to order, in accordance with the
<br />provisions of the State law by Town Clerk Letham..
<br />The constitutional oath of office was admintttered to J. E. Bairos, Thos. Orloff
<br />and CHarles A. Bruce by the Town clerk, after which they took their seats on the Board.
<br />Trustee Bairos moved that Trustee Charles A. Bruce be named as president of the
<br />Board. His motion was seconded by Trustee Garatti, and affirmative votes cast, upon
<br />roll call by Trustees Bairos, Pickard, Bruce and Orloff. Trustee Bruce not voting.
<br />Trustee Bruce then took the president's chair and assumed charge of the meeting.
<br />C. Letham, Town Clerk, presented a security bond in the sum of ;2000 with the
<br />Globe Indemnity Company as surilby, for the faithful performance of his duties. The
<br />bond was approved by the Board and delivered into the h nds of the Preuident of the
<br />Board for safe keeping.
<br />The Bond of Town Treasurer EL L. Benedict in the sum of six thou. -.and dollars, with
<br />Charles A. Gale and J. N. Arendt as securities, for the faithful performance of his duties
<br />was presented and approved by the board and played on file in the office of the clerk.
<br />The following resolution was tehn read by the clerk:
<br />esolution No. 969
<br />Whereas, after having serve the Town of Pleasanton and the citizens thereof as a
<br />trustee for a term of twenty -four years, and his colleagues on the town board as their pre
<br />siding officer for many years, Charles H. Schween, does this night retirees an officer
<br />and true ess of the Town of Pleasanton, of his 'own will and desire, and
<br />Whereas, the said Charles H. Schween,. during his term of office and as presiding officer
<br />of.the town board did much to bring about the prosperity if the Town of Pleasanton, and by
<br />his efforts make tl'"A town stand to the front in the rank of cities of its size in the
<br />state, and
<br />Whereas, as presiding officer of the town board he did much to preserve the harmony
<br />and good feeling that has characterized the proceedings of the board, it-is but fitting
<br />and just that some public recognittion be made of his services, Therefore
<br />Be It Resoled by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton, for and
<br />on behalf of the citizens thereof, that a vote of heartfelt thanks be accorded to Mr.
<br />Schween for his services in the past, and that the best wishes of this board be extended
<br />to him in his future walks of life, and
<br />Be It Further ='esolved that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of
<br />this board, a copy furni hed Mr. Schween under the Seal of the Town, and a copy sent to
<br />the press.
<br />The adoption of the foregoing reolution was moved by Trustee Bairos, seconded by
<br />Trustee Garatti, and adopted by the following vote;
<br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard,mGaratti, Bruce, Bairos and Schween.
<br />Noes; None.
<br />Absent; None.
<br />'The matter of the proper license fee to be cjarged a' pespresentative of the,Caswell
<br />Coffee Company was discussed, and referred to Town Marshal Nevis and Attorney C. A.
<br />Gale.
<br />Similar action was taken of the matter of a proper license for Manuel G. Dias.
<br />Attorney Cale addressed the board and recommended that a docket system be installed
<br />by the clerk to keep .track of pending business and that further changes be made in the
<br />system of the handling of municipal work.
<br />President Bruce announced that he would a,point committees at the hest reg lar meeting.
<br />There being no further business the board adjou_ned til Monday, May 5, 1924.
<br />Approved Town Clerk,
<br />Presidnt of the Board.
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