<br />The Town clerk reported that legal notification had been given to the regularly
<br />appointed officers who were chosen to conduct the municipal election on April 14th,.and that
<br />the inspector's oath had been signed, swoem and returned to him. He also reported that
<br />the following nomination papers had been filed with him;
<br />For the ddfice of, town trustee (three to be elected) -C. A.,Brikce, J. E. Bairos
<br />and Thos Orloff.
<br />For the df.fice of Town Treasurer -E. L. Benedict
<br />For the office of Town Clerk -C. Letham.
<br />The clerk also reported that the necessary election supplies were on hand, and Presi-
<br />dent Charles H. Schween promised to prepare the polling place for the election.
<br />Complaint having been made to the Board that the preence of bees within the Town
<br />limits was detrimental to the peace and safety of the public, and Trustee Garatti was appointed
<br />a committee of one to confer with owners of hives with the idea in mind of having them re-
<br />moved fron the town limits..
<br />The street and Building committee was instructed to take up the matter of having prpoper
<br />and adequate. signs showing the necessary deteuss while Main street is under construction.
<br />There being no further busines the Board adjourned for two weeks, or until the
<br />hour of 8 o'cicok p, m. April 21st.
<br />Approved
<br />President of the Board of Town Trustees.
<br />esolution No.
<br />4,/
<br />Ton Clerk
<br />Pleasanton, California, April 21st, 1924.
<br />The Board of Town `Trustees was called to order at 8 o'cicok. President Charles H.
<br />Schween. in the chair. The roll call showed the following trustees to be present:
<br />Trustees Pickard, Bairos, Garatti,. Bruce and Schween. None absent.
<br />The following resolution was teh read:
<br />968
<br />Whereas, a general election was held and conducted in the Towneof Pleasanton on
<br />Monday, the 14th day of April, 1924, as required by law.
<br />And Whereas, It a.pears that notice of,said election was legally and duly given, that
<br />voting preconcjzs were properly established, that election o:''ficers were appointed and.
<br />election supplies furnished, and that in all respects said election was held and conducted
<br />and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof, made and de-
<br />clared in time, form and manner as required by the general laws of the state governing
<br />elections in cities of the sixth class,
<br />And Whereas, the Board of Trustees of aid Town met at the council chamber of the
<br />board on Monday, the 21st day of April, 1924, to canvass the returns of said election and
<br />install the newly elected officers, as a result of which the board finds that the
<br />number of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other matters required by
<br />law, to be hereinafter stated, now therefore
<br />Be Is Resolved, as follows:
<br />That said regular municipale election was "held and conducted in the Town of Pleasanton,
<br />on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1924, in time, form and manner as required by law;
<br />That there was one voting precinct established for the purpose o'_' holding said election,
<br />consisting of consolidation of th regular election precincts establiihed for holding
<br />general state and county elections as follows;
<br />"Consoidated Voting Precinct A, comprising sate and county precincts one and two;
<br />That the whole number of votes cast at the general municipal election held in the
<br />Town of Pleasanton on Monday, Aoril 14th, 1924, was 88;
<br />That the names or the rereerIS votes lox, The offices fur which they were voted, the
<br />number of votes given in each precinct to each of said persons together with the whole num-
<br />ber of votes which they received in the entire etown are as follows:
<br />Trustees for the full term of four years Joseph E. Bairos, 81; Charles A. Bruce, 88;
<br />Thos. Orloff, 85..
<br />Clerk -C. Letham, 79.
<br />Treasurer -E. L. Benedict, 80.
<br />Be It Further Resolved, that at said general municipal election joseph E. Bairos,
<br />was elected to the office of Town Trustee for the full term of four years;
<br />