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578 <br />Pleasanton, Califormia, May 5, 1924 <br />The Board of Trustees of the Tow. of Pleasanton was called to order at 8 o'cicok <br />by President C. A Brue. <br />The roll call of members showed the following trustees to be present: Trustees <br />Pickard, dratti. Bairos and Bruce. Absent; Trustee Orloff. <br />The minutes of previous meetings were readcand approved. <br />CLAIMS <br />Claims from No.s 197 to 213, both inclusive, were read by the clerk. and referred <br />to the finance committee: <br />Claim No. 197 Charles Striker, labor 14.00 <br />198- -John Fredericks, labor 16.00 <br />199 Southern 'acific Company, rent sewer pipe line 5.00 <br />200 -W. T.. Davis, services deputy marshal 5.00 <br />201 -W. T. Davis, printing and services deputy marshal 5.00 <br />202 Pacific Gas Electric Co., street lights 128.70 <br />203 Pacific Gas Electric Co., city hall lights 10.80 <br />204 Pacific Gas Electric :;a.. power :for pun s. 109.08 <br />205 Pleasanton Electrio Oo., labor and s_aon' i e-; 20.05 <br />206-- uruikskenk a zoi labor and sanplies 39.47 <br />207- -Frank Viada, street work 163.00 <br />208 -W. H. Koopmann. labor and supplies 11.85 <br />209- -Gus Schneider, painting signs 3.75 <br />210 -F. C. Nevis, burying dogs 2.00 <br />211 -Hall Warehouse Co., lumber .50 <br />212 Manuel P. Rose, labor 4.00 <br />213 Manuel Rodrigues, services deputy marshal 5.00 0672.48 <br />Coffee Dealer Complains: <br />Mr. Lane, representing the Caswell Coffee Company appeared before the Board, pro- <br />testing against the w efforts of the to n officials to collect a peddler's license <br />from him. Mr. Lane told the Boord that he had rented a place on Rose avenue, fitted <br />up a room therein and had stocked the place with goods; also that he had an attendant <br />there to serve the public. <br />City Attorney Gale addressed the Board and advised them that he had investigated <br />the matter abput which Mr. Lane was complaining and that in his opinion Mr. Lane's <br />home did not come withing the scope of the city ordinance defining a place of business <br />open to the public. <br />After some discussion the board referred the matter to Mr. Gale and Town <br />Marshal Nevis. <br />The following monthly reports were then submitted: <br />Town -ngineer: <br />To the Board of Trustees, Gentlemen: I most repeetfully report the following <br />work done for the month of March, 1924. <br />Water Turned on-- 4-- Schween estate, Angela street; Herman Koopman, Sunol Road: <br />(2): and Mrs. Mairia, Second street. <br />Water Turned Off- -2 Mrs. P. Gilson, St. John Street; Ida Utendoeffer, Spring <br />street. <br />