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work done for the month of March, 1924: <br />Water turned on, 4- -Joe Secada, Rose av -:nue; Mrs. K. Geyser, Main street: Hall Ware- <br />house Co., First street.. <br />Water Turned off, 3.- -Mrs. Correa, Vineyard avenue; Mrs. K. Geyser, Main street; <br />Mrs, R. Tyler, St. John street. <br />New Work Put In- -267 feet three -inch pipe laid across Main street at Road 2000 <br />Abbie street, Angela street, Division street and St. John street, and ray street $317.4)6 <br />Three new Fire Hydrants 33.00 <br />New Taps Put In -56 new i services on Main street; 14 new 1 *1 Services on Main <br />street. <br />New Meters Put In-- Reppire and changed -4. <br />Taps in Town- -349; Taps outside of Town, 21. Services in Town on 383; off 13. <br />Services out of Town on 14, off, 7. <br />Total number services- -417. <br />Expenses Pumping, Etc.,- <br />Power Pump No. 2 $76.40 <br />Distillate Pump No. 1 10.36 <br />Supplies and New Taps 144.02 <br />Repairs on water system 16.76.06 <br />Collector's Salary 35.00 <br />Accountant's Salary 20.00 <br />Engineers Salary 100.00 $}061.80 <br />►'ater T ents from Town 575.10 <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />H. A. Sihclair, Engineer <br />The board then took a brief recess, during which the finance and supply committee <br />examined the claims and officers' monthly reports. <br />On again coming to order Trustee Pickard chairman of the finance committee reported that <br />the finance committee had examined and approved claims from I68 to.196 inclusive amounting <br />to $2893.98 and moved that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of the claimants <br />for the respective amounts of theer claims,seconded by Trustee Bairos,:and passed by the <br />following vote. <br />Ayes.- Trustees ,Pickard,Garatti,Bruce,Bairos ,and <br />toes.- None <br />Absent None <br />Ts finance committee having examined and approved the <br />ordered placed on file. <br />Resolution No. 966. <br />Town pay roll for the month march 1924 <br />Addressograph plates <br />Resolution No. 967. <br />C.Letham, Town Clerk. <br />Schween. <br />officers monthly reports they were <br />Be it resolved by the Board'of town Trusteesof the tovrn of Pleasanton that the <br />Town Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized to draw warrants on the Town Treasurer in favor <br />the persons named below for the amounts respectfully set opposite their names. <br />C.Letham -Town Clerk $75. <br />E.L.Benedict,, Treasurer I0. <br />F.C.Nevis, Marshal etc. 125. <br />A.Peterson, Night Watch,etc. 110. <br />W.H.Graham, Care fire appar. I0. <br />I25. <br />H.Sinclair, Engineer etc. <br />Dr.J.Hal Cope, Health officer I0.- <br />W.T.Davis Recorder I0. <br />Mary Viada Janitor I5. <br />C.A.Gale Attorney 25. <br />Total 515. <br />The above resolution was adopted this 7 day of April I924. <br />on motion of Trustee Garatti, seconded by Trustee Bruce ,and the following vote. <br />Ayes, Trustees Pickard,.Garatti,Bruce,Bairos and Schween., <br />Noes,- none, <br />Absent, -none. <br />Whereas: The town of Pleasanton is indebted to the Addressograph Company of San Francisco <br />in the sum of $I9.7I for 370 Addressograph plates for the water department. <br />Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton, that the Clerk <br />be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the Town Treasurer in <br />favor of Addressograph Company for the sum of 19.71,in payment of supplies. <br />The addoption of this resolution was moved by T Bairos and seconded by <br />Trustee Bruce and carried by the following vote: <br />Ayes TrusteesPickard,Garatti,Bruce ,Bairos and Schween. <br />C.Letham Town Clerk. <br />575 <br />