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Introduced by Trusteeu Garatt, seconded by Bruce and carried by the following vttE; <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Bairosrp Bruce and Schween. <br />Nes; None <br />Absent; None. <br />The matter of placing appropriate signs on the streets during the time Main street <br />is under construction, was taken up and discussed, and later referred to the street <br />and building committee. <br />There being no further business the board adjourned until the next regular <br />meeting to be held on the 7th day of April at the hour of 8 o'cicok p. m. <br />President of the Board o' Town <br />Trustees. <br />CoBrection. <br />Ordered that the Election officers to conduct the General Municiple Election to be he <br />held in the Town of Pleasanton Alameda Co. on Monday,April 14, 1924,be and they are <br />hereby appointed and designated as follows: <br />For Consolidated Election PrecintV "A" comprising Precints 1 2. <br />Inspector (1) Ambrose Revolt$, Judge (1) Mrs.Edith Zeigenfeus. <br />Clerks (2) Mrs.Effie Shurvo,& Mrs.Lydia Rathbone. <br />Each'election officer aforenamed being an elector and resident of the consolidated <br />voting precint for which :he and she is appointed, <br />The'compensation for each election officer is hereby fixed at Five Dollers for his <br />or her services in said electi©h. <br />Ymd by Trustee Bairos,aeconded by Trustee Pickard, <br />And passed by the following vote; <br />Ayes;, Trustees, Pickard,Garatti,Bruce,Boiros,& Schween. <br />Noes: None. Absent none. <br />Approved: <br />President of the Board of <br />The follWqing <br />wn Trustees. <br />Toen Clerk. <br />Town Clerk. <br />Pleasanton, California, April 7, 1924. <br />The Board of Town Trustees was called to order at 8 o'cicok p. m. with President <br />Charles S. Schween in the chair. The roll call showed the following trustees to be <br />present; A. B. Pickard. Frank Garatti, C. A. Bruce and Charles H. Schween. Trustee <br />J. E. Bairos carne in later. <br />The minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and certain omissions noted. These <br />omissions were corrected and the minutes were then read and approved as corrected. <br />claims were read and referred to the finance and supply committee; <br />Claim No. 168 Otillio Brogillo, labor 28.00 <br />.169 Manuel Madeiros, labor 22.00 <br />110-17m. T. Davis, notice of election and ballots 33.00 <br />1i.t -Wm. T. Davis, notice to taxpayers 40.00 <br />/7z-Win. T. Davis, printing and advertising 29.00 <br />2 3- Cruikshank Kolin, supplies 4.75 <br />4 Z5 Kolln, labor and supplies 1676.06 <br />7s Kolin, labor and supplies 144.02 <br />