Claim No. 176 Manuel Rose, labor....- 66.00
<br />177 Charles Striker, labor 74.00
<br />178 -John Fredericks, labor 46.00
<br />179- -John Redmond.labor
<br />iou-- ,.:tune Mi.aetros, loco 22.00
<br />181 Lawrence Nevis, labor 18.00
<br />182 -Dave Walton, labor 6.00
<br />183 Pleasanton Agricultural Works, repairs 11.90
<br />184 -C. T. Hamer, auto for water dept 225.00
<br />185 -C. T. Hamer; supplies 6.82
<br />186 -Frank Viada., ewQxk, te8wS 92.75
<br />187- -Joe Joeeph, team work on streets 6.00
<br />188 -Chris Ericksen, gardening 20.00
<br />189 -Al Vervais, services; deputy marshal 5.00
<br />190 Manuel Deponte. labor 14,00
<br />191- -Joe Bellum, street work 6.00
<br />192 Pacific Gas Electric Co., electricity for streets 128.70
<br />1958- Pacific Gas Electricit9o. electricty for town hall 10.36
<br />194 Pacific Gas Electricty Co., power 76.44
<br />195 Pacific Gas Electric Co., electricty sewer farm .86
<br />196 -Hall Warehouse Co. coal 17.34
<br />Total 2893•.98
<br />Communications:
<br />A letter was received from the State Compensation Insurance Fund stating that
<br />under the provisions of the policy written for the Town of Pleasanton, volunteer
<br />firemen if injured under the terms of the policy, were entitled to receive $4.17 a
<br />day compensation, commencing with the eighth day after injury, and were also entitled
<br />to received medical attention. The policy is in such form that it will cover
<br />all municipal emploes without regard to where they are injured so long, as they are in
<br />the employ of the town.
<br />A communication was received from the League of California Municipalities
<br />asking that a representative be sent to the Regional Plan Conference for the reion
<br />about San Francisco Bay at the Commonwealth club, San Francisco, April llth. The
<br />communication was ordered filed.
<br />An application for 'permission to hold a dance in the I. D. E. S. Hall on the night
<br />of April 19th, under the auspices of the Reveler's club, was received, and permission
<br />was granted.
<br />The agreement between the Pacific Gas Electric Company relative to the furnishing
<br />of electricity to the Town of Pleasanton, was read., and the clerk was instructed to
<br />prepare a resolution approving the agreement, with the amendment that the payment for
<br />electricity be made payable in Pleasanton and not in. Livermore.
<br />Street Superintendent
<br />To the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton,.Geitlemen: I most repectfully
<br />report th .following street work done during the month of March, 1924.
<br />F. Viada, sprinkling streets, 124 days 76.50
<br />F. Viada, cleaning and graveling streets 10.50 $87.0,00
<br />J. Joseph, graveling streets with team, 1 day 6.00 6.00
<br />Dave Walton, street work, 1 days 6.00
<br />M. DePonte, street work, 2 days. 8.00
<br />J. Belum, street work, 1 days
<br />L. Nevis, street work, 2 days 8.00 28.00
<br />total $121.00.
<br />573
<br />