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570 <br />and carried by the following vote: <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, fiaratti, Bairos, Bruce and Sc}iweeh. <br />Noes;.. -None-- <br />Absent None. <br />The Bo rd then adjourned until marcg 10th7at_ 7.;30 <br />Whereas, the firm of Heafy, Moore McNair, a co- partnership, has offered to pave <br />that portion of Main street in the Town of Pleasanton in front of the property in the <br />Town of Plea which is commonly known as the City Hall, and lying between the <br />present gutter and the county highway in the ctni: ^Q gqi.d Main street in accordance <br />with the plane and specifications now o:- t1Ze <br />vote: <br />Pleasantens :Cal arch 1Q <br />The Board was called to order at 7;30 p. m. by preside t schween, all. members present <br />Resolution No. 963 <br />Town o° rlet' nton,. Tor the sum of Two Hundred and Ninety -nine (4299.00) Dollars; <br />Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of trustees of the Town of Pleasanton, that <br />the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton be and he is hereby author- <br />ized to enter into a contract on behalf of the Town of Pleasnton with the firm of Heafy, <br />Moore McNair, a co-partnership, for the giving and grading of that portion of Main street <br />in the town of Pleasanton in front of the property of the Town of Pleasanton known as the <br />city hall and lying between the pre ^ont Rutter and the county highway in the center of <br />said Main street in accordance with the plane and specifications now on file with and <br />approved by the civil engineer of the Town of Pleasanton, Geo. A. Posey, for the sum of <br />Two Hundred Ninety -nine (4299.00) Dollars, said sum. to be payable only upon the complete <br />performance of said work to the sa.tisfi3c:tion oz the Superintendent of streets of the Town <br />of Pleasanton. <br />Introduced by Trustee Bairos; seconded "'Muster i., fold passed by the following <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Bairosm Brue and Schween. <br />na rusey, c11 ciagineer of the <br />Noes; None <br />Absent: None. <br />There being no further business the Board adjourned until march 17th at 7;30 p. m.. <br />Pleasanton, Colifornia, March 17, 1924. <br />the i oar•3d of 'Trustees was called to order at 7;30 p. m., with President schween <br />in the chair. The roll call showed all the members to be present. <br />The following resolution was introduced and read by the clerk: <br />Resolution No. 964. <br />Whereas the firm of Heafy, Moore and McNair, a co- partnership, have entered <br />into a contract Wi in all the owners of property froutini; on Main shed in the <br />'.Z4tW.;:.4 t s c.rtnerla limits uI the own of .eloac tntun atui the <br />norther ly line of Bernal avenue; and <br />Whereas said contract provides for th paving of said portion of Main street, <br />excepting therefrom a strip eighteen fe t in width in the center thereof which has hereto <br />fore been aed.icated to and acc. :pted by the eou.lty of _lamed as a county highway in <br />accordance with plans and specifications on file and approved by Geo. A. Posey, cibil <br />engineer of the Town of Pleasanton; and <br />Whereas, said firm of Heafy, Moore McNair have petitioned the board of trustees <br />of the Town i'f Pleasanton for permission to perfirm the work of grading and aving portions <br />of said Min street in acco °dance with the terms of said contract, and the plans and <br />specifications, a copy of which plans and speci:ications is attached to said petition: <br />