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Hacienda Mixed Use Rezoning Initial Study <br /> Design and aesthetics are, by definition, subjective and open to interpretation by decision- makers and <br /> members of the public. A proposed project would therefore be considered to have a significant adverse <br /> effect on visual quality under CEQA only if it would cause a substantial and demonstrable negative <br /> change. In an urban area, infill development of additional structures would generally not be considered <br /> to cause a substantial and demonstrable negative change. The zoning change itself would not result in <br /> such a negative change, and the resulting buildings would not be expected to result in such a change as <br /> future development would be subject to design review by the City. Furthermore, the Hacienda PUD <br /> includes design guidelines for the Hacienda area, and it is anticipated that any forthcoming mixed -use <br /> PUD development plan for Hacienda would include the adoption of design guidelines and development <br /> standards for mixed -use development, which would address issues of design and aesthetics. <br /> No additional light and glare would be anticipated from buildings developed under the proposed zoning <br /> compared to those that could currently be built on the project site. In addition, given the location of <br /> surrounding buildings set back from the property lines, any future buildings resulting from the proposed <br /> zoning change would not be expected to be located in proximity to other development. <br /> The W.P. Carey site (Hacienda site 7G) is located across from the BART station and parking lot. The <br /> zone change would allow residential buildings to be located across from potential light sources at the <br /> BART Station. During the development process, potential conflicts with BART's nighttime lighting <br /> would be considered in order to protect future residents of that site. <br /> As there are few trees (and any heritage trees would be protected under the City's ordinance), minim <br /> landscaping, and no buildings on any of the three sites, and as the sites are not readily visible from I -680, <br /> a scenic highway, development of the three project site due to rezoning of the project sites would result <br /> in a less than significant impact on scenic resources. <br /> Less Than <br /> Potentially Significant with Less Than No <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant Impact <br /> Impact Incorporation Impact <br /> 2. Agriculture Resources In determining whether <br /> impacts to agricultural resources are significant <br /> environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the <br /> California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site <br /> Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California <br /> Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in <br /> assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the <br /> project: <br /> a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or X <br /> Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown <br /> on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping <br /> and Monitoring Program of the California Resources <br /> Agency, to non agricultural use? <br /> b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a X <br /> Williamson Act contract? <br /> c) Involve other changes in the existing environment X <br /> which, due to their location or nature, could result in <br /> conversion of Farmland, to non agricultural use? <br /> Draft, Subject to Revision 7 8/31/2009 <br />