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14. The project developer/subdivider shall secure an encroachment pennit from Alameda County <br /> before beginning any work in the Happy Valley Road/Alisal Street right-of-way. <br /> <br />15. <br /> <br />The following typical street sections shall be revised as follows: <br /> <br />Public Street Typical Section: <br />The street right-of-way shall have a minimum width of 25 feet measured from the back of <br />curb. The street shall have driveway type openings to the private driveways (roads) and <br />the Emergency Vehicle Access Road (EVA). The street shall be posted for no parking. <br />There shall be an eight foot wide Public Service Easement (PSE) located on both sides of <br />the street right-of-way, five feet of which shall be graded at 2% towards the street (except <br />the downstream side of the section between station 8+00 to 13+00). The typical side <br />slope shall be a 3:1 maximum. The street section with the straight cross slope (section <br />between station 8+00 to 13+00) shall have an 18 inch wide flush curb at the downstream <br />side of the street. Storm water shall be allowed to sheet flow from the street directly to <br />the natural swale. <br /> <br />The Typical Private Driveway Section: <br />The driveway section shall have an 18 inch wide flush curb at the downstream side of the <br />driveway. Storm water shall be allowed to sheet flow from the private driveway directly <br />to the natural swale. The typical side slope shall be a 3:1 maximum. The water and <br />sewer lines within the driveway shall be public and maintained by the City. The street <br />and storm drain shall be private and maintained by the Homeowners Association or <br />individual property owners. There shall be Public Service Easement (PSE) located across <br />the entire width of the driveway and extending eight feet into the adjoining lots. <br /> <br />Access Road Section (EVA): <br />The access road shall have a straight cross slope, be paved, and have a standard curb and <br />gutter on the down-hillside. The structural section of the road shall support the Fire <br />apparatus and maintenance vehicle as determined by the City Engineer. There shall be a <br />gate installed near the public street. The minimum outside radius of the road shall be 55 <br />feet. The maximum grade of the driveway shall be 15%, except at road intersections <br />where the grade shall not exceed 7%. <br /> <br />Detention Pond Access: <br />The structural section of the detention pond access road shall be 1½ inches of <br />decomposed granite over a Class Il aggregate base of sufficient strength to support the <br />maintenance vehicle as determined by the City Engineer. There shall be a gate installed <br />near the public street. The minimum outside radius of the road shall be 45 feet. The <br />maximum grade of the driveway shall be 15% except at road intersection where the grade <br />shall not exceed 7%. <br /> <br />C~nditions qflApproval, PAP-36 (Vesting Tentative Map 7162), September 17, 2002- <br /> <br />Page 3 qf 7 <br /> <br /> <br />