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10. <br /> <br />I1. <br /> <br />12. <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />The project developer/subdivider shall submit a landscape/irrigation plan for the area <br />surrounding the detention pond and its service road with the subdivision's improvement plans for <br />review by the Planning Director, City Engineer, and City Landscape Architect before <br />construction. The landscape plan shall feature a combination of native tree - five gallon to <br />fifteen gallon size and twenty-four inch box size - and shrub species - one gallon to five gallon <br />size - planted in an informal, clustered arrangement to enhance the detention pond and <br />surrounding maintenance-access road. The landscaping will be irrigated by an automatic <br />controller until established to the satisfaction of the City's Landscape Architect. <br /> <br />The project developer/subdivider shall delete the proposed river rock from underneath the drip <br />line of the existing oak tree shown to be preserved on Sheet 2 - Conceptual Grading and Utility <br />Plan and, additionally, shall not make any excavations nor shall install any planting within five <br />feet of this tree's drip line area. The project developer/subdivider shall place a four-inch to six- <br />inch layer of tree chips under this tree's drip line, which shall be maintained at all times by the <br />project developer/subdivider and then by this project's homeowner's association. The project <br />developer/subdivider shall show this change on the improvement plans for this development to <br />the satisfaction of the Planning Director and the City Engineer before City Council approval of <br />the final subdivision map. <br /> <br />Unless otherwise approved by the Fire Marshal no housing construction shall begin until such <br />time as an acceptable emergency vehicle access has been established, as defined by the Fire <br />Marshall. This access shall be maintained at all times until the public improvements are <br />accepted. <br /> <br />The project developer/subdivider shall install the fire resistant landscape barrier (Sheet 3 - <br />Conceptual Landscape Planting Plan) on the slope bank adjoining the westerly sides of Lots 10 <br />through 12, on the slope bank directly adjoining the south side of Lot 9, and along the westerly <br />side of the public/private driveway opposite Lots 3 through 8, with irrigation lines controlled by <br />an automatic controller, as the last phase of the subdivision improvements. The project <br />developer/subdivider shall submit a final construction/ installlation plan, prepared to the <br />satisfaction of the Planning Director and the City's Landscape Architect, with the improvement <br />plans. <br /> <br />Planting for the landscape barrier shall be changed as follows: ceanothus gloriosis (sageleaf <br />rockrose) for the ceanothus 'centennial' and erigeron karvinskianus (Barbara daisy) for the <br />Rosemary officinalis 'Prostratus'. Where feasible, the width of the barrier shall be increased <br />from 30 feet to a width of 35 feet to 40 feet. The project developer/subdivider shall submit a <br />final construction/installation plan, prepared to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, the City <br />Fire Marshal, and the City's Landscape Architect, with the improvement plans. <br /> <br />The width of the public trail shown on Sheet 2 Conceptual Grading and Utility Plan shall be <br />revised to vary from three feet to six feet based upon location. The section shall be shown on the <br />improvement plans to the satisfaction of the Planning Director and the City Engineer before City <br />Council approval of the final subdivision map. Unless otherwise approved by the Planning <br />Director, the project developer/subdivider shall install the trail with the last phase of subdivision <br />improvements. <br /> <br />Conditions of Aj~proval, PAP-36 (Vesting Tentative Map 7162), September 17, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 2 qf 7 <br /> <br /> <br />