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3. Grading, for development <br /> <br />IMPACT: The Council finds that generally, the project is sensitive to existing topographic <br />features, and that grading soleIv due to development may have a potentially significant impact <br />in relation to soil erosion, differential fill settlement, expansive soil characteristics, etc. <br /> <br />DEGREE: Potentially Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that implementation of appropriate mitigation measures are <br />feasible and these measures have been incorporated into the project design or into the project <br />by reference through conditions of approval, and that they will be effective in reducing the <br />impacts of this project to a less than significant level. These measures are MM 9C. 1 - C.3; M1VI <br />9D.1 - D.4; MM 9E. 1 - E.3; MM 9F. 1 and 9F.2; .and 1VIM 9G.2 and 9G.3. <br /> <br /> 4. Storm water run-off <br /> <br />IMPACT: The Council finds that free-flowing storm water run-off could contribute to soil <br />creep, slope or building foundation failure. <br /> <br />DEGRF~F-: Potentially Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that a final on- and off-site hydmlogy study, in combination <br />with a final sWrm drain plan prepared in accordance with the City Engineer are feasible <br />measures which have been incorporated into the pwject design or into the project by reference <br />through conditions of approval, and that they will be effective in reducing the impacts of this <br />project to a less than significant level. <br /> <br /> 5. Maintenance of oven svace drains2e ditches. etc. <br /> <br />IMPACT: Inadequate maintenance of drainage ditches, catch banins and other drainage <br />sen, ices in the open space areas could result in unstable slopes, overland sheet flow; etc. <br /> <br />DEGRee: Potentially Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that impicmenr~tlon of an open space management/maintenance <br />program which includes maintenance of open space 'utilities', and ad,ministered by the <br />property-owners' association, in conjunction with studies and final storm drain plans, are f_~__~ble <br />measures which have been incorporated into the project desiSn or into the project by reference <br />through conditions of approval, and that they will be effective in reducing the impacts of this <br />project to a less than significant level. <br /> <br /> Page C-14 <br /> <br /> <br />