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DEGI~EE: Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that the implementation of the WFRCOD Alternative (Chapter <br />11, Figure 11-4 of the Final SEIR) with a modification of the Foothill Road setback to a <br />staggered setback requirement of 120 to 135 feet, and a modification of the open space between <br />lot clusters to a minimum of 180 feet between building envelopes, in conjunction with other <br />mitigation measures requiring an increase in interior lot widths, specific landscape and <br />architectural guidelines, and aspects of the site design are feasible and have been incorporated <br />into the project design or into the project by reference through conditions of approval, and will <br />be effective in reducing the visual impacts of this project to a less than significant level. These <br />measures are 51 (a modification of the WFRCOD Alternative), 5o, 5q, 5r, 5s, St, 5u, 5v and <br />5w. <br /> <br />IMPACT: The Council finds that construction of two-story homes along the northern <br />property line would limit views of the Mllaide from residences along Country Lane and impact <br />the rear yard privacy of rmdents. The construction of larger, two-story homes at higher <br />elevations would provide a vis;,~! contrast to existing residential neighborhoods. <br /> <br />DEGREE: Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that implementation of mitigation measures which limit homes <br />along the northern property line to one-story in height, with roof pitches of 6:12 to maintain a <br />'low-profile' silhouette, site-specific landscaping for vegetative screening along the northern <br />property line and architectural guidelines which lotare building envelopes towards the front of <br />the lot are feasible and have beea incorporated into the project design or into the project by <br />rderenee through conditions of approval, and will be effective in reducing the visual impam <br />of this project to a less than significant level. Theg measures axe 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i (second portion <br />- architectural design guidelines [Sq, 5r, .Ss and 50, 5j and 5o of the Final SEIR, pages 5-17, <br />5-18, 5-20, and 5-9-1 through 5-23. <br /> <br /> Vegetation and WiMBfe Imlmets <br /> <br /> 1. Fferj~?¢ tree loss due to develeO_ment <br /> IMPACT: The City Council finds that heritage u'ee loss due to development could be a <br /> significant impact if it were necessary to remove more trees than indicated in preliminary <br /> grading and development plans, and that heritage trees my be ~maged or destwyed during <br /> consmxction and grading by inappropriate techniques for protecting heritage trees. <br /> <br /> DEGREE: Significant. <br /> <br /> Page C-8 <br /> <br /> <br />