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conditions of approval, and will be effective in reducing the-impacts of this project to a less than <br />significant level. <br /> <br /> 4. Non-¢OnfOrm~c~ w/West Foothill Road Corridor Overlay District <br /> <br />IMPACT: The Council finds that although lack of conformity with the WFRCOD ordinance <br />standards would not create an adverse environmental impact regarding land use, per se, but since <br />the City adopted these standards to protect the character of Foothill Road and ensure that the <br />impacts of residential development are minimized, the Council does find that-lack of <br />conforrnance with the WFRCOD may have an adverse effect on the environment. <br /> <br />DEGI~: Potentially Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that the implementation of the WFRCOD Alternative (Chapter <br />11, Figure 114 of the Final S~'R) with a modification of the required Foothill Road setback <br />of 150 feet to a staggered setback requirement of 120 to 135 feet and with a modification of the <br />required 200 feet between lot clusters to open space areas of 180 and 200 feet as measured <br />between building envelopes, in conjunction with other mitigation measures requiring an increase <br />in interior lot widths, specific landscape and architectural guidelines and in combination with <br />other mitigating features of the Site design such as culs-de-sac and the potential for varied house <br />orientations, meet the intent of the WFRCOD. These measures are feasible and have been <br />incorporated into the pwject design or into the project by reference through conditions of <br />approval, and will be effective in reducing the impacts of this non-conformity to a less than <br />significant level. These measures are 51 (a modification of the WFRCOD Alternative), 5o, 5q, <br />5r, 5s, St, 5u, 5v and 5w. <br /> <br /> 5. Unassured retainment and maintenance of Foothill Road oven svace easement <br /> <br />IMPACT: The City Council finds that retainment and maintenance of open space easements <br />and open space areas along Foothill Road is essential is pwmoting visual quality and main~g <br />the Foothill Road character, and intent of the WFRCOD. A lack of specific-standards, <br />guidelines or maintenanee/management pwgrams is considered a potentin!ly significant impact. <br /> <br />DEGI~-F-: Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that preparation of an open space management program by the <br />developer (Conditions 12 and 13), and preparation of specific guidelines for the open space <br />easement area along Foothill Road and the properties abutting them (Condition 14), with <br />maintenance responsibilities assigned to a Landscape and Lighting District (t ,Lr3) [Condition 7], <br />in combination with modifications to the project architectural and landscape guidelines which <br />specify the locations of accessory su'ucmre~ and landscape qualities of these open space easement <br />areas (MM 3g and 5u), are feasible and have been incorporated into the pwject design or into <br />the pwject by reference through conditions of approval, and will be effective in reducing the <br />impacts of this non-conformity to a less than significant level. <br /> <br /> Page C-3 <br /> <br /> <br />