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2. Unassured retainment and maintenance of (hi]!side] o~n space <br /> <br /> 'IMPACT: The City Council f'mds that unassured retainment of the hillside open space is a <br /> potentially significant impact, as the hillside area has been used in calculating development <br /> density for the project area and the Council feels that the open space areas on the hillside should <br /> remain as open space in perpetuity, in accordance with the City's General Plan land use <br /> designation of the site. Additionally, proper maintenance of the billside open space must occur <br /> to prevent potential hazards of landslides, soil creep, wildland fires, etc. due to negligence or <br /> lack of a maintenance program for the open space area. <br /> <br /> DEGI~-~: Potentially Significant. <br /> <br /> FINDING: The Council finds that the propefty~er's granting of a conservation easement <br /> over the 44 acres of hillside open space (Lot A), in favor of the City, will be effective in <br /> assuring retainmerit of the open space area (Condition 9, modification of MM 3b [part 1]). The <br /> Council finds that requiting the establishment of a Geologic H~Tards Abatement District <br /> (GHAD) to provide for landslide/soils maintenance of all areas of the site (Condition 8) will be <br /> effective in providing proper maintenance and monitoring of potential geologic/geotechnical <br /> hazards. The Council finds that establishment of a Landscape and Lighting District to provide <br /> for fire management of open space areas, maintenance of open space areas along Foothill Road, <br /> and maintenance of common landscape areas ba~--~rds to structtlreJ Condition 7, modification of <br /> MM 3b [pan 1]), will be effective in maintaining open space and landscaped areas in a safe and <br /> consistent manner. The developer is required to prepare the open space management program <br /> (Condition 12 and 13, MM 3f). These measures are feasible and have been incorporated into <br /> the project design or into the project by reference through conditions of approval, and will be <br /> effective in reducing the impacts of this project to a less than signfficant level. <br /> <br /> 3. No public. on-site amenifies w/the propo_sed above average density <br /> <br />IMPACT: Th~ Council finds that ~e lack of public, on-site amenities with the proposed <br />above average density is a pottmtially significant impact as ~e project does not conform fo <br />General Plan policies. <br /> <br />DEG~tg3~: Pottmtially Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Council finds that implementation of a 55-unit development plan (near- <br />average density) will be effective in reducing this impact to a less than significant level, due to <br />the proximity of the EBRPD Ridg~!nnds Regional Park and the City's Augustine Bemal Park <br />and due to the inclusion of hiking Wails within the proj~'s open space area for use by future <br />residents (Condition 11), both of which provide sufficient open space amenities for future <br />residents. The City's General Plan does not requite that a project constructed at average density <br />provide public, on-site open space amenities. The Council finds that such measures are feasible, <br />and have been incorporated into the project design or into the project by reference through <br /> <br /> Page C-2 <br /> <br /> <br />