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<br />that additional traffic will be created by residential development. She stated that although there is a need <br />o for affordable housing, there is a high density of affordable housing in this area. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued relating to the plan being unknown for the San Francisco Bemal property. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arkin noted this is a good location for a business park and that a business park being <br />developed in close proximity to Interstate 680 will eliminate impacts on local traffic. He noted his <br />desire for a business park on this property. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kameny noted he would approve of the project as proposed; however, he would be in <br />support of exploring the possibility of providing affordable housing on this property. <br /> <br />Chairperson Roberts moved that the proposed PUD master plan is consistent with the General Plan and <br />purposes of the PUD ordinance. Commissioner Kameny seconded the motion. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Chairpenon Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Kameny, recommending <br />that that tile proposed PUD master plan is consistent with the General Plan and purposes of the <br />PUD ordillanee. <br /> <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ABSTAIN: <br /> <br />Commissioners Arkin, Kameny, and Chairperson Roberts <br />Commissioner Sullivan <br />Commissioner Maas <br />None <br /> <br />r. <br /> <br />Resolution No. PC-2000-05 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br /> <br />CoIIllnissioner Sullivan noted that he voted no due to his comments on the report. <br /> <br />Chairperson Roberts noted that she would be in favor of adopting a resolution recommending approval <br />of tho application, with a couple of modifications. She noted her desire to eliminate any development <br />aroUDd the lake, except for gazebos or assessory structures. She noted she supported having a single <br />buyer for the property and noted her desire for the trail around the property to be a public trail, unless <br />security is necessary for the owner. She requested that a comprehensive TSM be considered to make <br />development less auto oriented. She noted that if the ACE station should be on the San Francisco <br />Bemal property, a sidewalk should be installed from ACE station to the campus. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arkin requested that the architectural design of the buildings be compatible, with the first <br />building setting the standards for the design of the other structures. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Commissioner Sullivan noted that due to the size of the facility, he requested that the buildings utilize <br />energy efficiency including how the building is cited, use of passive heating and cooling, and use of <br />energy efficiency technology beyond Title 24. He requested that a condition be in the design guidelines <br />that an energy efficiency focus will be taken on design of buildings. He noted that the U.S. Green <br />Building Council has developed energy and efficiency guidelines for commercial buildings. <br />Chairperson Roberts concurs with Commissioner Sullivan and suggests examining grants for energy <br />efficiency. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2000 Page 13 <br />