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Sec. <br /> <br />Sec . <br /> <br />Sec . <br /> <br />Sec. <br /> <br />.7 <br /> <br />creases in the pepulation may further tax existing <br />cemmunity service facilities se censideratien must <br />be given te this i~pact. Alse discuss the character- <br />istic ef seme preJects Which may enceurage and affect <br />the environment, either individually er cumulatively. <br />It must net be asssume~that gre~th in any area is <br />necessarily beneficial, ~etrimental, er ef little <br />significance to the environment. <br /> <br />(h) <br /> <br />The Boundaries ef the Area Which May be SignificantiN <br />Affecte~ b~ the Prepese~Actien~ <br />This will e mappe~ at ascale"appropriate te describe <br />the impact area eft the project, heweveN, it willbe. <br />mappe~ in as precise a manner as pessible. The de llne- <br />atien shoul~ be made recegnizing that the significant <br />effects mi ht net be at the project or activity site <br />but in lec~tiens distant frem it. The ef <br /> beundaries <br />this impact area must be certifie~at public hearing <br />by the gevernmental agency require~te prepare the EIR, <br /> <br /> · lecal egencies, other erganizatiens and <br />private individuals cen~ulted in preparing the EIR, and the <br />identity of the persens, firm er agency preparing the EIR, <br />by centtact er other autherlzatien must be given. <br />Retention and Availability ef Comments: Comments receive~ <br />threugh the censUltatien shall be kept ~n file fer <br />a teasenable perled and evaliable fer public inepectien at <br />an a~dress given in the final EIR. Cemments which may be <br />received independentl~ ef the reviewe~ the draft EIR shall <br />also be censidered and kept en file. "' <br /> <br />Water Quality Aspects. With respect te water ~uality as- <br />pects ef the prepese~ preJect which have bee~ previeusly <br />certified by the appreprirate state er interstate ergani- <br />zatien as being in substantial cempliance with applicable- <br />water~uality standards, reference te the certificatien <br />sheuld be made. <br /> <br />Contents ef Final Envirenmental Impact Repert. <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />The Final EIR shall cens~st ef the ~raft EIR centaining <br />the elements ~escribe~ in Sectiens 7.2, 7.3 an~ 7.~ <br />hereef, a seotlen centaining the cemments received <br />threugh the censU~tatie~ precess ~escribed in Sectien <br />7.5, either verbatim er in summary, and the respense <br />ef the ~irecter te the significant envirenmental peints <br />raised in the review and censUltat~en precess. <br /> <br />The respense ef the Directer te cemments received may <br />take the ferm ef a revisien ef the Braft EIR er may <br />be an attachment te the Draft EIR. The respense shall <br />describe the ~ispesitien ef significant envirenmental <br />issues raise~ (e.g., revisiens te the prepesed preJect <br /> <br />-23- <br /> <br /> <br />