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Sec. <br /> <br />Environmental Impact. All phases ef a project must be <br />censi~ere~ when evaluating its impact en the environment: <br />planning, acquisition, ~evelepment an~ operation. The <br />following subjects shall be ~iscusse~, preferably in <br />separate sections er paragraphs: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />The Environmental Impact ef the Prepese~ Action: <br />Describe the ~i~ec't an~ indirect impacts ef the pro- <br />Ject en the environment, giving ~ue consideration <br />te beth the short-term and long-term effects. <br /> <br />Itsheul~ include specifics ef the area, the resources <br />invelve~, physical changeS, alterations to ecological <br />systems an~ changes induced in population dlstribu- <br />tlen, population concentration, the human use ef the <br />lan~ (including commercial an~ residential ~evelep- <br />ment) an~ ether aspects ef the resource base such as <br />water, scenic quality and public service. Economic <br />information may be included in an EIR where ~eemed <br />nedessary te evaluate the prOJect. <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />Any A~verse Environmental Effects Which Cannot Be <br />Avoided if the Proposal is Implemente~: <br />Describe any adverse impacts, including these which <br />can be reduced te an insignificant level but net <br />eliminated. Where there are impacts that cannot be <br />reduced without imposing an alternative ~esign, their <br />implications an~ the reasons why the project is being <br />proposed, notwithstanding their effect, should be <br />~escrlbeg l~ detail. De net neglect impacts en any <br />aesthetically er culturally valuable surroundings, <br />human health, standards of living,' or environmental <br />policies set forth in Sections 21S$e and 21~$1 ef the <br />CE~A which would be sacrificed. Also it shall describe <br />the parties affected and any ebllgatlen raise~ by them. <br /> <br />(C) <br /> <br />Mitigation Measures PrepeSe~ te Minimize the Impact <br />Describe any mitigation measures written into the <br />project plan te reduce significant environmentally <br />a~verse impacts te.insigniflcant levels, and the <br /> asis for censiderlng these levels acceptable. <br />Where a particualr mitigation measure has been chosen <br />from among several alternatives sheul~ be discussed <br />and reasons sheul~ be given for the choice ma~e, <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />Alternatives te the Prepesed Action: <br />Consider two kinds ef alternatives: First, the alter- <br />native kinas ef projects er locations ef the same <br />project, which could feasibly attain the basic ob- <br />Jectives ef the ~reJect, and why they were rejected <br />in favor ef the ultimate choice. The specific <br />alternative ef ne project must always be evaluate~, <br />along with the impact. Second, ~escribe the alternative <br /> <br /> <br />