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Floatinr~ holiday <br /> <br />In recognition of observing New Years Eve as a holiday, fire managers assigned to a forty <br />hour work schedule shall receive only two (2) floating holidays per year. Fire management <br />employees who continue to exercise the waiver of health and dental coverage under <br />Appendix D, Section 6 will be ineligible to receive the two (2) floating holidays. <br /> <br />Vacation <br /> <br />Eligible fire management pemonnel assigned a forty (40) hour workweek shall accrue <br />vacation with pay in accordance with the following schedule: <br /> <br />Years of Continuous Service <br /> <br />First through fourth year <br /> <br />Fifth through eleventh <br /> <br />Tweive through fourteenth <br /> <br />Fifteenth through sixteenth <br /> <br />Seventeenth year or more <br /> <br />Monthly Accrual Rate Per Pay Period <br /> 8.57 hours 3,96 <br /> 11.43 hours 5,28 <br /> 14.29 hours 6.60 <br /> 15.71 hours 7.25 <br /> 17.41 hour 7,91 <br /> <br />Administrative Leave <br /> <br />In recognition that management employees are required to work hours beyond their regular <br />hours of work to fulfill their management responsibilities, each employee in the classiflcafion <br />of Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Division Chief, and Fire Marshal shatl be credited with up to <br />eighty (80) hours of administrative leave per year, The Assistant Fire Marshal, CAD Records <br />Manager, and EMS Disaster and Administration Manager shall be credited up to sixty-four <br />(64) hours of administrative leave per year. The Firs Chief shall annually recommend and <br />the City Manager shall approve the amounts per individual. <br /> <br />Sick Leave Accrual <br /> <br />Each management employee shall earn sick leave at the rate of eight (8,0) hours for each <br />month of service to a maximum accumulation of two thousand, eighty (2,080) hours of sick <br />leave except as follows. Management employees may accumulate an unlimited number of <br />sick leave hours, except, however, hours accumulated in excess of two thousand, eighty <br />(2,080) may be used only to apply toward additional years of service under the current PERS <br />"Credit for Unused Sick Leave", Government Code, Section 20862.8. <br /> <br /> Page 28 of 30 <br /> <br /> <br />