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1~TING OF FBBRITIRY 20, 1958 <br />The meeting of the Planning Commission van called to order at the City Nall <br />en February 20, 1958 at B:CC PN, Acsting Chairman Wetherby Presiding. <br />Roll Call: Present - Commiaaionsrs DeVor, Nanifen, Mitchell, Trowbridge, <br />Yharton-and Wetherby. <br />Absent -None. <br />The rimitea of the meeting of February 6, 1958 were approved as forwarded on <br />motion of Commissioner Trowbridge, seconded by Cestaiasioaer DeVor. <br />Old Busisessr The application of Harry 9hackelton to rezone from General Agri- <br />tur strict to General Camerciai District on the northrrcat corner of <br />Sane Ric Road sad Valley Aveane, Pleasanton Township vas reviewed for comments <br />to the County Planning Coamiasioq~:~. The application is for establishing a <br />reuil lumber compaeq and service action. Commissioner Trowbridge acted that <br />the present Western Sierra Ia:mbsr Corpatq plans to close at their present location <br />and rove to th+:aabo~ site. Therefore, there would be no ~v competition. Planning <br />Consultant Boucher aaggested that the Commission reuin as much control is this <br />area as possible sad also auggeased recomrending to the County the granting of <br />a use permit. Gn motion of Commissioner Wharton, seconded by Commissioner Mitchell, <br />a letter will be seat to the County Planning Commission sating that the Commission <br />has no objection to the use as acted but recommends that a use permit be granted <br />instead of resoning the paroel• <br />Correspondence fror the County Planning Commission concerning Tract 1919 vas read. <br />The staff analysis wan re#d with the unction that it be accepted as a preliminary <br />ezamination only. A letter from the Pacific Gas & Electric Compa-~ acting that <br />they have ao facilities that would interfere with this developrent waa read. A <br />letter frog Alameda County Flies Control and Waur Conservation District waa read. <br />It acted that that tract area is not subject to overflow from a~ afros*; no <br />diversions are conterpLted for this tract; tract will intercept drainage from as <br />adjoining area of approzimately 2.4 serer xith the runoff concentrating on point <br />ao. 1, shown on the mapj additional rraoff will not create nor add to ash existing <br />downstream drainage.+problem; existing atom drainage facilities consist of a 12^ <br />reinforced coacrott pipe in Batrada Drive sad two field inlets sad a drainage swsle <br />along the southern tract boundary in Tract 1720; sad suggest that the storm drainage <br />be codified as shown is red on the tenutive rap. A letter from the Alareda County <br />Health Department was read. They have no objections concerning the subdivision <br />and it is their underata:diag that Lhe source of water for the Bonds Water Systar <br />is the Municipal Water System of the City of Pleasanton. Letur from M.G.C. Compagp <br />requesting that a fair proportioned part of the costa for storm drainage and sewerage <br />installed by them be born by the subdivider of Tract 1917 wan read. <br />T. H. Bsvilacqua and U. S. Bevilacgna and Mr. Milton Murray, architect, were present <br />and introduced to the Commission. :+-~=r <br />William Gale, representing Dr. Dwight Hartle, wtatod that the drainage from so ofy/~~5~ <br />the lots of Tract 1917 would drain directly onto Dr. Hartle~a property, making <br />and litter a problem and asked that the Commission ider.tipa xhen <br />makigg their decision. <br />