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IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />COUNTY OF AIAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />Minutes <br />February 2, 1961 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order <br />at the City Hall on February 2, 1961, at 8:00 P.M. with Chairman Ralph Mitchell <br />presiding. <br />ROLL CALL: Present - Coumiissioners Allison, Landon and Lozano; Ex-officio <br />Commissioners Dana, Hohn, King and Mr. damp arriving <br />at 9:05 P.M. <br />On motion of Commissioner Landon, seconded by Commissioner Lozano, and ap- <br />proved by all Commissioners present, the Minutes of January 19, 1961 were ap- <br />proved as forwarded. <br />The Commission set Thursday, February 9, 1961 at 8:30 A.M. as the date and <br />time to Visit the Nuclear Engineering site in Walnut Creek. <br />Hearing regarding the relocation of the Livermore Airport was held. The Clerk <br />read a letter from J. A. Lamed opposing the Airport. Mr. Dan Lee, Public Works <br />Director for the City of Livermore, summarized the relocation of the Airport, show- <br />iig maps etc. Much discussion was held. Dr. Beatty, Dr. Klepfer, Mr. Lamed and <br />several others expressed their opposition to the relocation of the airport. Col. <br />Magoffin spoke in behalf of the airport. Mr. Lee answered questions asked by the <br />audience pertinent to the relocation. On motion of Commissioner Landon, seconded <br />by Conmmissioner Lozano and approved by all Commissioners present, the hearing was <br />continued until February 16, 1961. <br />Hearing was then held on Zoning of possible Vineyard Avenue east Annexation. <br />Since the City Staff is preparing a study, and Mr. Fales was unable to attend the <br />meeting, on motion of Commissioner Tendon, seconded by Commissioner Allison and <br />approved by all Commissioners present the hearing was postponed until February <br />16, 1961. <br />Public Hearing was then held on application of Robert and Marilyn Athenour,' <br />871 Hose Avenue, for a Variance allowing a 60` frontage where the minimum front- <br />age is 70' in the case where the minimum square footage is more than complied with. <br />On motion of Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Tendon and approved by <br />all Commissioners present, RESOLUTIOIQ N0. 128 was adopted. <br />RESOLUTION N0. 128 <br />Whereas, the Application of Robert,~nc~ enour, 4151 Silver Street, <br />Pleasanton, California, for a Variance~a37.o~.i~:ng~~~~frontage where the minimum <br />frontage is 60', having come before this Commission February 2, 1961, under Ord- <br />inance No. 309 (Zoning Ordinance) as amended, the Planning Commission does hereby <br />resolve as follows: <br />1. The Planning Commission does find as follows: <br />a) Notice has been given as required by law. <br />b) The Circumstances required by Section 19.100 of said Ordinance No. <br />309 do exist. <br />2. A variance from the 70' frontage to a 60' frontage; and the side yard set <br />back reduction from 16' to 12'; and the driveway reduction from 20' to 16' <br />is hereby granted with said driveway to left open at all times. <br />3. A copy of this Resolution shall be sent to interested parties. <br />