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M I N U T E S <br />of <br />THE MEETING <br />of <br />THE PLANNING COl7hIISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />September 11, 1963 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at <br />approximately 8:00 P.M, on Wednesday, September 11, 1963, by Chairman Philip <br />Landon, <br />ROLL CALL showed the following: <br />Present: Commissioners Lozano <br />Rego <br />Wipf11 <br />Chairmen Landon <br />Absent: Commissioner Antonini <br />It will be noted Secretary False arrived at 8:10 P.M, <br />On motion of Commissioner Lozano, seconded by Coamtieaioner Rege, the minutes of the <br />meeting of August 28 were approved ae presented by unanimous vote of those Com- <br />miaeionere present. <br />Chairman Landon proceeded to the application of Emil Saugar, 122 Greael Street, <br />Hayward, fora Zoning Permit with Site Plan and Architectural Approval, in order <br />to construct a twelve-unit multiple dwelling at 4795 Harrison Street, in an RG-15 <br />District. Mr. Falea, in giving the staff report, reminded the Commission that <br />the eubjecQ property was rezoned i~Y RG-15 by Ordinance No. 363 adopted June 3, 1963.. <br />There are 21,225 sq, ft. in the parcel which more than meets the minimum require- <br />ment. Fourteen unite are allowable, whereas twelve unite are proposed, The front <br />yard requirement is 25 ft.; a Variance allowing a front yard setback of 20 ft. was <br />granted by Planning Commission Resolution No. 230, dated July 10, 1963. Side yards <br />shown are 12 ft, on each aide, totaling 24 ft., which is one foot lees than the <br />required 25 ft. The rear yard requirement ie 30 ft „ and approximately 52 ft. ie+. <br />indicated, A site width of 70 ft, is required, whereas 250 ft, is indicated. A <br />site width of 70 ft. ie required, whereas 250 ft, is indicated, Eighteen perking <br />spaces ere allocated, which is the number required, The staff enumerated six <br />conditions recommended to be attached to the Zoning Permit. After discussion by <br />the Commission, upon mot.on of Coamieaioner Rega, seconded by Commissioner Wipfli, <br />the following resolution was unanimously adopted by those Commissioners present: <br />RESOLUTION NO, 241 <br />WHEREAS, the application of Emil Saugar, 122 Greael Street, Hayward, for <br />a Zoning Permit with Site Plan and Architectural Approval, in order <br />to construct a twelve-unit grultiple dwelling at 4795 Harrison Street, in an <br />RG-15 District, has come before this Couanisaicn; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED that the City of Pleasanton Planning Commission does hereby approve <br />ea id application with the following conditions attached thereto: <br />1, A property survey, a grading and drainage plan and a land- <br />scaping plan moat be submitted and approved by the City staff <br />prior to the ieauance of a building permit. <br />2. A eolid board fence of masonry wall, four to six feet in <br />height, moat be constructed elong;•the rear property line <br />end along portions of both aide property lines, ae indicated <br />in the approved SiCe Plan. <br />3. Prior to the ieauance of a building permit, the Site Plan <br />moat either be changed to indicate a total aide yard area <br />of twenty-five feet, or a Variance from the eideyard re- <br />quirements of Ordinance No, 309 moat be secured, <br />