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M I N U T E S <br />of <br />THB PLANNING CQ4lISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />January 11, 1967 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M. on Wednesdaq, January 11, 1967, by Vice-Chairman Johnston. <br />ROLL CALL showed the following: <br />Present: Commissioners Arnold <br />Carrigan <br />Johnston <br />Plato <br />Secretary Falea <br />Absent: Chairman Antonini <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnston, and <br />carried, the minutes of December 14 and December 29, 196b, were approved as pre- <br />sented by unanimous vote. <br />Vice-Chairman Johnston opened the public hearing on the application of W. 1. <br />Thurman, 893 Kottinger Drive, for a Variance from Section 18.603, Ordinance No. <br />309, in order to install a fence within the required setback for corner lots, at <br />the above address, in an R-1 District. Mr. Falea presented the staff report which <br />recommended approval of this Variance to apply to this particular development of <br />the lot only. Mr. Thurman was present in the audience and concurred with the <br />staff report. Upon motion of Commissioner Carrigan, seconded by Commissioner <br />Arnold, and carried, the public hearing was closed. After further discussion, <br />upon motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Commissioner Carrigan, the <br />following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 636 <br />WNERHAS, the application of W. I. Thurman, 893 Rottinger <br />Drive, for a Variance from Section 18.603, Ord- <br />inance No. 309, in order to install a fence within <br />the required setback for corner lots, at the above <br />address, in an R-1 District, has come before this <br />Commission: <br />NOW, TNEREFORH, BE IT <br />RBSOLVED: that the above-named application be approved. <br />Vice-Chairman Johnston opened the public hearing on the application of W. 8. <br />Nelson, 5316 Northway Road, for a Variance from Section 6.500, Ordinance No. 309, <br />in order to install a covered patio at the above address, in an R-1 District. Mr. <br />Falea presented the staff report which recommended approval of this application. <br />Mr. Nelson was present in the audience and concurred with the staff report. Upon <br />motion of Commissioner Carrigan, seconded by Commissioner Plato, and carried, the <br />public hearing was closed. After further discussion, upon motion of Commissioner <br />Arnold, seconded by Commissioner Carrigan, the following resolution was adopted <br />by unanimous vote. <br />RESOLUTION N0. 637 <br />Wl~REAS, the application of W. S. Nelson, 5316 Northway <br />Road, for a Variance from Section 6.500, Ord- <br />inance No. 309, in order to install a covered <br />patio at the above address, in as R-1 District, <br />has come before this Commission: <br />NOW, TNEREPORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED: that the above named application be approved. <br />