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PLANNING COMMISSION Ci"I'V OF PLEASAN"1'ON <br />ALAMEDA C7OUN7~Y, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION NO. YC-2006-12 <br />RES OLL7TION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT POR L1NDA PIPE/THE <br />CENTER OF EXC7ELLENCE, AS FILF_D UNDER CASE PCL7P-150 <br />WHEREAS, Linda Pipe/'I'bc Canter of Excellence bas applied for a conditional use per»~it to <br />operate a training center and axz administrative office for independent Mary Kay <br />consultants and directors in an existing building located at 5627 Stoneridge Drive, <br />Suite 322; and <br />WHEREAS, zoning for the property is l/C-O Industrial/C'on~xxrxercial-Oftice~ District; and <br />WHEREAS, at its duly noticed public beax-ing of March 29, 2006, the Planning Commission <br />considered all public. testimony, relevant exhibits, and recommendations of the <br />City staff concerning this appl. ication; and <br />WHEREAS, projects of this nature are categorically exexapt troxrx the requirements of the <br />Califo x-i~ia Environmental Quality Act ~CEQA~; and <br />WHEREAS, the Plamiing Commission made the following tindings: <br />The proposed location of the conditional use is in accord a.xiec with the <br />objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purpose of the district in which <br />the site is located. <br />Objectives of the zoning ordinance include protecting existing land use front <br />inharmonious intlucnccs and harmful intrusions; t~~stering harmonious, <br />co nvcnient, worl:ablc relationships among land uses; and ensuring that public and <br />private lands ultimately are used for the purposes which are most appropriate and <br />benet3cial to the CGity as a whole. As conditioned, the training center would be <br />consistent with these objectives. <br />~l'he proposed use would provide trai xiing to Mary Kay directors and consultants <br />on company products. The professional setting is similar to that of a normal <br />oft7cc, c. g., where staff meetings are conducted. Based oxi the proposal and <br />discussion concerning land use, noise, and parking; no land use issues have <br />resulted tron~ the existence of this training center. <br />The site of the use is located in Ilaeienda Park on a site designated as IYD, which <br />permits a vari cty of industrial and ot~3ce uses. The establishment of this <br />small-scale prof assional. training center in zxn office complex would be in <br />accordance with the purposes of the PUD-I/C-O zoning, district. "I'lxe proposed <br />