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PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION NO. PC-2003-12 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF KORYO MARTIAL <br />ARTS FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL, AS FILED UNDER <br />CASE PCUP-80 <br />WHEREAS, Koryo Martial Arts has applied for a conditional use permit to operate a <br />martial arts studio in an existing commercial suite located at 3506 Old <br />Santa Rita Road, Suite A; and <br />WHEREAS, zoning for the property is C-C (Central Commercial) District; and <br />WHEREAS, at its duly noticed public hearing of Apri19, 2003, the Planning <br />Commission considered all public testimony, relevant exhibits, and <br />recommendations of the City staff concerning this application; and <br />WHEREAS, projects of this nature are categorically exempt from the requirements of <br />the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made the following findings: <br />1. The proposed location of the conditional use is in accordance with <br />the objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purpose of the <br />district in which the site is located. <br />Santa Rita Junction is zoned for commercial uses allowed and conditionally <br />permitted in the C-C (Central Commercial) zoning district. The uses of the <br />C-C district are intended to work together and support one another to <br />achieve "an attractive pedestrian shopping area." As conditioned, the <br />proposed use would be compatible with the surrounding land uses, would <br />attract individuals that may patronize the other businesses in the center, and <br />would provide a service for the community. <br />2. The proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions <br />under which it would be operated or maintained will not be <br />detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfaze, or materially <br />injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity. <br />All of the operations of the proposed school would be conducted within an <br />existing building. Sufficient parking exists on the site to accommodate the <br />proposed studio and the existing tenants on the site. As conditioned, the <br />proposed operation would meet occupancy requirements of the Uniform <br />Building Code. <br />