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RESOLUTION NO. PC-2023-11 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF <br />PLEASANTON APPROVING EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING ART OF <br />PROBLEM SOLVING (AOPS) ACADEMY, A TUTORING FACILITY LOCATED <br />AT 5200 FRANKLIN DRIVE, SUITE 100, FROM 72 STUDENTS AT ONE TIME <br />TO 120 STUDENTS AT ONE TIME, AS FILED UNDER CASE NO. P22-0912 <br />WHEREAS, on April 24, 2019, the Planning Commission held a duly-noticed public <br />hearing and unanimously approved the Conditional Use Permit (CUP Case No. P19- <br />0008) from the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) Academy to operate a tutoring facility with <br />a maximum of 72 students at one time located at 5200 Franklin Drive, Suite 110, subject <br />to the conditions of approval; and <br />WHEREAS, on November 7, 2022, AoPS submitted a CUP application requesting <br />an expansion of the existing AoPS programs including additional tutorial sessions and <br />increase in the number of students from 72 to 120 at one time; <br />WHEREAS, zoning for the property is PUD-I/C-O (Planned Unit Development <br />Industrial/Commercial-Office) District; and <br />WHEREAS, the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301, (Existing Facilities), since the project <br />would not result in the expansion of the exterior or the building and/or would be limited to <br />interior alternations of the existing building. Therefore, no additional environmental review <br />is required; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 14, 2022, the Planning Commission held a duly-noticed <br />public hearing, considered relevant exhibits, recommendations of the City staff <br />concerning this application, and received testimony from the applicant and interested <br />parties. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City <br />of Pleasanton, based on the entire record of proceedings, including the oral and written <br />agenda reports and all public comment and testimony: <br />Section 1: Findings for Conditional Use Permit Approval <br />With respect to the approval of P22-0912, the Planning Commission makes the following <br />findings as required by Section 18.124.070 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code: <br />A. That the proposed location of the conditional use is in accordance with the <br />objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purpose of the district in which <br />the site is located. <br />The subject site has a General Plan designation of Business Park <br />(Industrial/Commercial and Office) and is zoned PUD-I/C-O (Planned Unit