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EA <br />THE CITY OF <br />CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br />PLEASANTON. <br />November 2, 2021 <br />Community Development <br />Planning Division <br />TITLE: PROVIDE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN 2.0 POLICY DIRECTION <br />REGARDING THE CAP 2.0 ACTION LIST <br />SUMMARY <br />The Climate Action Plan Update (CAP 2.0) has been underway since the start of 2020. <br />The Committee on Energy and the Environment (Committee) has been reviewing <br />background documents and providing direction on various elements of the CAP 2.0. In <br />November 2020, the City Council provided direction on the preferred greenhouse gas <br />(GHG) emission reduction target pathway, vision, guiding principles, co -benefits, and <br />action selection criteria. Since that direction, CAP 2.0 actions have been developed, <br />extensive outreach has occurred, a quantitative analysis of the actions was completed, <br />and the Committee has recommended a final set of actions to be included in the CAP <br />2.0. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends the City Council affirm staff's recommendation to include a set of 15 <br />primary actions, and 10 secondary actions in the CAP 2.0. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no financial impact at this time. Ultimately, adoption of CAP 2.0 will result in <br />direct and indirect financial costs to the City; however, these exact costs will vary <br />depending on the range of actions ultimately selected for inclusion in the Plan, as <br />outlined in this agenda report. Staff's recommended range of primary CAP 2.0 actions <br />would result in estimated annual costs to the City of $112,824, and annual cost savings <br />to the community of approximately $122,214. <br />