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THE CITY OF 10 <br />CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br />PLEASANTONQ <br />September 5, 2013 <br />Police <br />TITLE: APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH RCC CONSULTANTS IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $70,694 FOR CONSOLIDATED DISPATCH STUDY FOR <br />THE PLEASANTON AND LIVERMORE POLICE DEPARTMENTS <br />SUMMARY <br />The Police Department is requesting approval to award RCC Consultants with a <br />Professional Services Agreement to conduct a Consolidated Dispatch Study for the <br />Pleasanton and Livermore Police Departments. The scope of services will include a <br />comprehensive study to determine the feasibility, benefits, constraints and costs of <br />establishing a consolidated public safety answering point/dispatch center for the <br />Pleasanton Police Department and Livermore Police Department. The City of Livermore <br />has agreed to share the cost of this project and reimburse the City of Pleasanton for <br />50% of the total cost of services to complete the study. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />It is recommended that the City Council approve the contract with RCC Consultants in <br />the amount of $70,694 for consulting services. <br />FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br />The proposed contract for $70,694 would provide the City of Pleasanton and the City of <br />Livermore with a comprehensive study to determine the feasibility, benefits, constraints <br />and costs of establishing a consolidated public safety answering point/dispatch center <br />for the Pleasanton Police Department and Livermore Police Department. An agreement <br />has been executed with the City of Livermore for them to reimburse the City of <br />Pleasanton 50% of the total cost to complete the study. Funding for the City's portion of <br />the cost of the study ($35,347) will come from General Fund Contingency. <br />