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/i <br /> <br />For Section I.A. CONSULTANT shall submit, and CITY shall pay, monthly <br />invoices for the estimated percentage of woK'k p3rforrncd during the previous <br />month, up to 90% o~ the total amount ~or sald item, the b;fiar, ce to be payable <br />u;~on completion and acceptance of said worl: by C1T'L <br /> <br />For Scctialt 1.5, CONSIJLTANT shall submit, and CITY shall pay, monthly <br />invuices foi' the estirr,:ded tx~rce,~taSe o[ work pcr/o~mqd during the previous <br />n~onth, up to 90% o~ the estimated total ior said it,%m. 'Vh~ remairfing 10% ior <br />Section I.B shall b~ paid upon award o[ a conntrucdoa contract $or the work. In <br />the even~ PRO3ECT is not bid and awarded withb~ ninety (90) days after receipt <br />by Ci'FY oi the completeSl workh~g drawings~ CITY shall pay for the remaininK <br />i0%. <br /> <br />For Section I,C~ CONSULTANT shall subITlit~ and CITY shall pay~ monthly <br />invoices for the estimated percentage of work p~:crR~rlned during the previous <br />month~ up to 90% oi the total amount for said iLem, tl~e balance to be payable <br />upon completion p~ the work and acceptance o[ tbe constructkin by CITY~ <br /> <br />CONSL/LTAN'F shall be paid on a nqonthly basis at the indicated hourly ratc~s for <br />work coriiplutcd under Scctkn-i t.D. <br /> <br />In the c,..c:nr t~RO3IZCT is terrnM:n?.cl, CITY shall pL..y CONSULTANT full <br />compensation for work performed to date oi writt.:n notification to cease work <br />on tile PRO3ECT in accordance with Section VII bl~reoL <br /> <br />1i' th',; Iowc:st accepLable cor,.stru::tion bid exceeds the budgeted cost of <br />construction by more than 15%, arid CITY elects not to approve the excess or to <br />reject all bids and either rabid or nei~otiate, then CONSULTAN't' shall, upcm <br />requcs~ o~ the CI]'Y~ revise the drawh-~gs and specifications w[thout additional <br />char'~V~ so as to obtain nr, acceptable bid within 1)% of the fixed budget limit of <br />constructio0. CITY will cooperate with CONSLn.TANF in order to ei[ect such <br />reductk~i~. CONSULTANT shill} have the option o[ ir~cluding alternate bid <br />items, additive items or deduct items acceptable to CITY so as to permit <br />llexihitity iR accepting.,, a bid within tlk: budgeted cohstruction limit. <br /> <br /> <br />