PROPOSal_ FOR PH/~SE 1]~ -/', bliifo~l FullCLiOndl Filing ~,/st.?m fc~i' the
<br /> f n9 i neer i n~ Departmetal
<br />
<br />~'hlS pi'OpOS,~] Fresenl, l lfne rind COSt t~zd:irnah:,/. for' the deslgr~
<br />~nstal~dt:jon ot ,a Hnjf,~rh, tHllC~,~Olldl f'i]iHg %/'Hem tr, of'f~c':~f~
<br />Fmjih~w.'inq Dtfi~l,nP~H ~il.V ;)T Pl~',jSdl~tnU. [h Wd. p~,fihh;
<br />
<br />lnlplefile. tlLation ott. il[,; i,l C~ihC. l. db part Ot ltl(~ cjLy wide records
<br />gement. program w',l~ch w,:: iuxti;,.t,ej hy M,A :n March 1983,
<br />a ,n.:)de~ for ~n!p,-n, pd ft,;r,:; md r,' o~d~ ,'~t:,~n/,1 m~t[u~d:
<br />
<br /> ! ;~ ,~ " I%I ll!g i i }~ : t ,, Ih(' PiLhilt IlJd[ Hnjf'jed Functiorla!
<br /> bySi~m (Md~FS,) wil~ h,p~lf:? re/o,'d k~eping act. iwtxes l.hrough
<br />out 1:l-F, Engineering Depa~'Lmerlt.
<br />
<br />In combination with tile acquisiLion or eff[cient, shelf-.Lype f~ljuq
<br />equipment for the installation of a "Document Colltro] Center" [.h~s
<br />will result in consk~era[,le SdVingS Ot valuable office space.
<br />
<br />
<br />Present equipment; jn tile engineerii~g seeLion of t,he file room
<br />of 14 legal size 4 drawer files with a total capacity of 1400 linear
<br />filing inches.
<br />
<br />Sirice alosl; inactive FeCOrclS were p~jrged trom these i iles by P, SA
<br />caoperation with the c~rgzrleeF~ng Staff dr, <m earlier dat,L' iL ~ap be
<br />assumed that the p~uposed new equipment shouhJ have the same nulube~
<br />]~near filing inches as the pr'esent equipment,, it Is Ulerefor, e recom-
<br />mended that shelf-Lype eql~iprnenh wi~h a t,o~al capacity of 1400
<br />be purchased,
<br />
<br /> ,'ruiLents n~ an ,~,ddit, i~xiai 16 legal Size
<br /> area collslsL r~f workh~!l tlle'.~ pdr l
<br />i~degrat,ed i r~Ln She document control
<br />
<br />Phase I ]: 1 RbA !,li t ] accom/d j ~,r~ lhe Fol 1 ow; ng:
<br />
<br />[fi'/Ul~L(~Fy {)~ all r~,r:m"ds piesenLly irl t. Jle enqineeFirg o~r~:,.
<br />]dentifl(l.~tim~ ,~? irlakl]v~: re~o~ds lot t~anSfe, Lo Lhe [~t~ bz.,,~ {l
<br />Center.
<br />
<br />
<br />