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iiL3[>-~ :i,),i, (ll ~!hTn te'llz~'stud by ,~.ff:l ,,,'Zic~r tu ~i,dr :zl!y IZG:.i~Is. :Z23on c:omph:tio~ vf, th~ <br />i?;~tdk.?z~v?t ~:f .~id facilities a'~d the mczhiuzi c f an2 r, [~czi: , i]Z,H,'t,,, ln~ ~,ruT?li..,~:s 5hczll be ;egored <br />ihzr.,~:,dictely by the brantee, ~:t the grante;,~ uu,n c:,'i;ei;,~d, re, g/v: s..;".e c:mdition ~::' that in which <br />they 8.~;st~,d prior to the ('oinr?lt~rivement ,~f st;oh W,:Pi:. FU Ltic' :atisfacti:m of the said officer. Tt~e <br />g,'{v;t~'? stz,dl hsue the right of in,Grass and %, ~$ for sz~c i? i,z;,?dse,, <br /> <br /> eV. L~qiat s:l) p,-opert2/ o/ tile [hlited ~c~2-'s du,,~c=g~d ~,I d,:~; ,.~ z d bL the g,'~dee ~ncident to <br />~he :5:~v~4 occupation o[ the 8aid premises d~dl be [nomptl), r .~p~f,'~ed or rt'placed by the brtmtee to <br />the satzsfizction of the sa~d off'leer, or in he;~ o[ sach relxdr tfi r,~plac~ment the brantee shall i[ ~ <br />required by the said office% pa.~ to the (;nZsed S{alc~, m,~ncr~= [~ ~xr~ ,':m.~z:nt sa[ficie~t to compensate <br />for the .'oss sugagned bS, the United Staies by reason of atz;na,q;: ~<~ or destruction of Government <br />;,z'oz.:erti,. <br /> <br /> 7. That the United States reserves to itself the right to cc~astritct, use, attd maintain across, <br />oL'er, and/or under the right-of-way hereby branted, electric transmL~ion. telephone, telegT'aph, <br />water, gas, gasoline. oil, and sewer lines, and other facilities, in si. ch i?zanner as not to create any <br />unreasonable interference with the use of the right-of-way h&rein .~anted. <br /> <br /> 8. 'Zhat the United States shall not be responsible fo~' an,,, dalvlages to property or injuries to <br />:??r~o.~s which rnzzy arise from or be incident to the use and occupation of the s~id premises, or for <br />da?nages to the property of the grantee, or for injuries to the person of the grantee (if an <br />individual), or for damages to the property or injuries to the person of the brantee's o[fieers, agents. <br />servants, or employees, or others who may be on said premises at their invitation or the invitation <br />of any one of them, arising from or incident to governmental activities; and the grantee shall hold <br />the United States harmless from any and all such claims. <br /> <br /> 9. That the United States shall not be respo;zsibte for dama&'es to property or injuries to <br />persons which r,:ay arise from or be incident to the constructinn, maintenance, and use of sam <br />facilities. <br /> <br /> ] O. That the grantee shall furnish through said facilities such service as may be requbed from <br />time to time for governmental purposes on said land, provided that p,;y meat for all such service will <br />be tn~de by the United States at rates which shall be ulzUually %treeable but which shall never <br />exceed the most favorable rates granted by the grantee for similar service. <br /> <br /> 11. That, in the event all or any portion of said land occupied by said facilities shall be needed <br />by the U:ffted States, or in the event the existence of said facilities shall be considered detrimental <br />to governtn~ntal activities, the grantee shall, from time to time, upon notic~ so to do, and ~ often <br />as so notified. remove said facilities to such other location or Iovations on ~id land ~ may be <br />designated by ~id officer. or the Fan tee shall reconstruct said facilities undergoand on said land <br />without expense to the United States, ~ may be directed by ~id officer, and in the event said <br />property shall not be removed or telveered within ninety (90) dcrys after any afnfe~'dd notice, the <br />United States h:ay CaUSe tt~e same to be de)he at the el'flails,, Of the .Vantee, provided, hotc~evBr, that <br />if directed to rYC&~;TL~Ct its f~cil~ties unde"g,-ound ~he gw;;b',: may~ at its option, in lie,~ oF taking <br />sr~ch ~ctiorL who?l j,' remove its fi'~cilities flora [,dnd~ {)f ttz~ United titales as described hardin, at <br />zt Lic~ time the ri~,~t irariled h~;eia shah ccc;~e Z, ut the ~,:st<;,'atio,z oOJi:~ation set fvrth ia Condition <br />Az'o, Z3 he.'cof sha!l <br /> <br /> 12. That this easement tnay be terminated by the S:::'etc,'y of the Army t;poo reason,able <br />notice t.; the ~aetee if the Secretary of the Army s';att dctd,'h-liai: ihat the right. of-way hereby <br />~'5zi[e,.i in:e;'/eres with the ttse or disposal c,f the c~id ltjnd (;r an:~ pw t thereof by the United States, <br />r,,- i' '~:. , a;e ,"otfei$cd mid annzdled by decltzratic~n of t/~,: ~Tc:~.,';'tcv%, uf th~ Arrd.V for [,dhw,:, negk'ct, <br />~ , r~-,:h52Z Z,y the dTantc. e fidly and promptIv to comp1.,? with any c.::i aH ~7 the conditknts of this <br />~rar. t, o,~ far ~onvse fur ~ ?eriod of two yeais, or fo? abandcm;'nent. <br /> <br /> <br />