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(zC~'.!~.E!~ClII(; ,it tilt; northeast. crn corner of said Parcel D said point also being on <br /> the ~;l~i~l,t.~l, lira: uf said ~]c~hnson l)rive; thence leaving said point North <br /> ~Z~']~,'~I'' ~,'~",t 7~.4~ f~.l; thence cor~t~nuln~ alon~ sa~d line along a tangent <br /> ct:z-~'~, 1~ I1,, ]t.'fl. baylibel a radius of 3~5~.33 feet thru a central angle of <br /> ]~'~,3'l~'." ;m nrc l~,H~lh ~[ ~113.~.; feet to a point on the northerly line oT <br /> I.'c.;~c,:~.:r ~,(~' l,~hl-ir ~,~'~vi~, ~'n~;e.H:mt; thc~nce continuing along sa~d line South <br /> ~ ~;~:~;t. ~,l.IH~ ~'.l lu a point on the southerly line of proposed 50' <br /> [,::b/~c sl ~v~cu; IIH.ncc ~k~rth 22~'59~45'' 26.90 feet to the TRUE POIHT 0F <br /> E~C;lZ,:d[~;, Ihl..:e a'lu~)~l a curve to the right having a radius of 3429.33 feet <br /> thru ~ ~'~nt.r'al anvils., ~1 2'>04'39" an arc length of ~24.35 feet. thende <br /> corlL~t~iH~i a]on~l E,n'id l iHc~ ~;cHdLh ~8°j6'4]'' East 8~.95 feet to the eastern line <br /> ~ Parcel I)',~h~n-e ~ent~'l'in~: of 50' public service easement te~jnates, thence <br /> u~ <br />lc-avi.~ sa~d line ~(Ionfl Uu~ ea~;ter]y line of' sa~d Parcel D South 2]°59'01'' East <br />27.30 l'c:ct: t~ a I',~int on the sout. herly line of proposed 50' public service <br />e~:se~nt:; said po'int als~ being on the easter-l~ l~ne of Parcel D; thence ~orth <br />2]~59'0]'' tl~:st 5,1.~;0 fe~d.. to a point of the northerly line of proposed <br />public ser'v'ice eas~ment. said point also being on southerly l~ne of Oohnson <br />Drive. <br /> <br /> <br />