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LEGAL I)E SCR ] PT <br />· 12 FOOT S'[R' OF lAND AND ^ 50 FOOl' PUBLIC jT,~V]CE EASEMF. NT <br /> 10 tIE I)[!DJbA'IEI) TO lilt CITY OF PI,EASANTON <br /> <br />9/251~4 <br /> <br />All Ih,iI I~I.AI_ PP, OI'I;I(It' !.ituate in the City of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, <br />St ,!t e ul (2,11 i fo; n in, descrihed as follnws: <br /> <br />12 lllol wilh' :,l.~ip of ]ancf and A PORTIO?t of Parcels D :-:nd D of Parcel <br />3/77, lillul tI,Ly 16, 1983 in [look 138 of Parcel Maps at Pages 35 a 36, <br />I{e~or,ls, nI/~lamuda Count:y, illore particularly described as follows: <br /> <br />[',C[:.I/~N1HG at the I.c,',l tlt,rthwestern corner of said Parcel B. said corner also <br />[l?inc. I orl th{2 s{nlthPt ly '1 ine ol aohnson Drive; thence along said southerly line <br />H 34" 3Z' 53" E l~0.3~, lu. ct to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southeast· <br />and huvin[J a radius uE 425.0{} feet; thence northeasterly 337:73 feet Mort9 sMd <br />curvet thr'ough a central an~j~e of 45~ 31' ~2" to the beginMn9 of a compound <br />curve coucave to the Southeast and havin~ a radius of 3454.33 feet and tO which <br />point a radial line h~ars S 9° 55" 15" E; thence easterly 579.01 feet along <br />sa~d curve through a central angle of 9" 36" 14" to a point on said curve from <br />which a radial line l,ears H [I° 19" 01" W; thence ]eavin9 said curve S 88 <br />41" E 74.42 feet to the most Northeastern corner of sa~d Parcel D; thence <br />southerly along the easter]~ line of sa~d Parcel D. S 21° 59' 01' E 13.1~ feet; <br />thence leaving said easter']y ]ine N 88.° 16' 41" W 79.48 feet to a point on a <br />curve cnncave to the Southeast and having a radius of 3442.33 feet and to which <br />a radial line bears 5 0° 19' 14" E thence westerly 576.79 feet along said <br />through a central angle of 9~ 3G~ 14" to the beginning of a compound curve <br />concave to the Southeast anti having a radius of 413.00 feet and to which <br />a radial line beaus S 9" 55' 15" E; thence westerly 328.20 feet along said <br />curve through a central angle of 45° 31' 52"; thence 5 34~ 32' 53" ~ 88.28 feet <br />to a point on the ~.teM.~rly lioe of said Parcel B; thence northerl~ along said <br />westerly line N 22¢' 00' 15" W 14.38 feet to the point of beginMng- <br /> <br /> Containing 0.295 Acres, more or less. .. -. <br /> <br />A public service easerecur, 50 feet wide, the centerline of which is described <br />as follows: ,, <br /> <br />CO~4~4ENCING at'the northeastern corner of said Parcel B, said point also being <br />on the northerly line of ln~oposed 50' public ~service.gasement; said point also <br />being on the southerly line of Johnson Drive; thence leaving said point South <br />22~00']5' East 59.92 ~vet to a poiut on the southerly line of proposed 50' <br />public service ~,~sem~'nt; themme North 22°00'15" ~est 29.96 feet to the TRUE <br />PO]I~T OF I~I:GINNI}'~G; t. hance leavio9 said line North 34032'53" East 96.86 feet; <br />thence, cont~nt;~ng alcmU said l'ine along a tangent curve to the right whose <br />radial bears South 55"27'07'' East having a radius of 400.00 feet thru a central <br />angle ~3t 45"31'5Z' an ar'c length of 317.87 feet; thence'.contim~n9 along said <br />line al,?n~} a c(~oq~lit1~ (jll['v~ ~:(i ~he r~ght ~,;hg~:e racj~al bears Sou~h 9°55'15'' East <br />,~.~itt~} :, rmijus ui' 3'}2~9.33 i~et [.hrli a central .angle of 7°31'08" an arc length <br />of 450.03 feet to a point where centerline Of 50' public service easement <br />terminates, said poil}t also beir}9 on the easterly line of Parcel B, thence <br />leaving said point South 22°59'45" West 26.90 feet to the southerly line of <br />proposed 50' public service easement, thence North. 22°59'45" East 53.80 feet to <br />the norther'ly lim~ of prol~osed 50' public service easement, said line also <br />beio9 tl~e southerly line or Johnson Drive. <br /> <br /> <br />