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| <br /> t),e p~ir, c~";I]- :,c, urce ol this izza~fjc~' <br /> ~s the t]~ree ~rav~l, <br /> ( r;,t:in5 in thp C~t) ~ 'f to the cast oz <br />]']cz~5~,~tc:,rs :~m~ ~:},e u;-,~ncorporated a~ca; and' <br /> <br />[i,dici~,l dcc:i~;'~.c:,';-~$ in California l~Eve required that there <br />.~:e:iLh~ xcs:tr':1,:t:y~ons t~ave been it. posed; a~d <br />two' o'f tim c~:,Tc~panies', Kaiser'Industries ~hd Rhodes-Janleso <br />hav. e ac:ccs~; I:o :interstate 580 and 680 by a reasonable <br />;,]ter¥,at:ivc~ :~:out:e nama'~ E1 Charro ~oad and <br />co:npany,'Lon~ Sta~ Industries.. b~s access to <br />'by the reaso:'~able alternative route of Stanley B~ulevard. <br />Firs~ Street and l']orEh Livermor~ Avenu~ and to <br />]~N the reasc, n~ble alternative ~oute of Isabelle. Vine~'~_rd <br />and State Route. S/~; and <br /> <br />~ reasonable alternative rout~ exists for other through <br />cor~=ercial traffic wit~ vehicle ~,eigh:s ~n excess of ' <br />the 16,00D pounds limitation by way of Interstate 580 <br />and 680; and . <br /> <br />I~'OW, T}IEP.~FORE, <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />the city has provided Sixty '(60) days'. notice pursuant <br />to ¥ehicle Code Section 35705 and a public hearing was <br />held on Dec&nber 22. 1980. as veil as numerous public <br />hearings on the proposed ordinance. its iL~,ediate <br />precursers and th'a EIR's for this ordinance. <br /> <br /> THE CITY COUPCIL .OF THE CITY OF ~LF_~.SANTON ORDA!IIS <br /> <br />Section t: To <br /> <br /> a~.end Title V (Vehicles and Traffic. Streets and <br />]lighways). Chapter 5 (Commercial l'ehicle P, egulations) ~. <br />to read as follows: <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 2 <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL I.,!EIGHT LIMITATIONF, <br /> <br />Section <br /> <br />5-5.10 Intent and Authority. It is the intent of this <br /> article to in, pose additional ~eight limitations' on <br /> ~ertai~ designated eo:~ercial routes established in <br /> Artlclp-'l (Prohibition of Certain Streets) of this <br /> chapter. ¥?]~ich prohibits euL~.ercial ~ehicles in exces~ <br /> of thre~ ton~ from ~he streets of Pleasanton excep~ <br /> f~','c' the d+~sz~IU'~:4ted co:-0~nercial routes. This Article <br /> <br /> T_o~d~ irom tht c:o~'m,ertizl routes. 'X'}~e auEhority for <br /> this article is California Vehicle Code Section 35701. <br /> <br /> <br />