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AMENDMENT TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br /> <br /> THIS AMENDMENT dated September 1, 1983, for convenience by and <br />between the COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, a political subdivision of the State <br />of California (hereinafter "County") and the CITIES OF ALAMEDA, <br />ALBAIqY, BERKELEY, DUBLIN, EMERYVILLE, FREMONT, HAY'WARD, LIVERMOREs <br />N'EWARK, PIEDMONT, PLEASANTON, SAN LEANDRO, and UNION CITY, municipal <br />corporations of the State of California (hereinafter "Cities") is <br />made to the Joint Powezs Agreement dated April 22, 1975, c~eating <br />the Alameda County Training and Education Board and the Joint Powers <br />Agreement dated May 2, 1974, creating the Associated Community <br />Action Pr.~gram. <br /> <br />W!TNESSETH <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has passed the Job <br />Training Partnership Act 29 USC 1501 et seq. (hereinafter I'JTPA") to <br />establish programs to prepare youth and unskilled adults for entry <br />~ntl'~ the labor force and to afford jc, b trainimg to those <br />economically disadvantaged individuals and ~ther individuals facing <br />[barriers to employment, who are in spe.~a]. rleed cl~ sikrb training to <br />obtain productive employment; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has passed the Com- <br />munity Services Block Grant 42 USC 9901 et seq. (hereinafter "CSBG") <br />to assist the disadvantaged in the war on poverty to become <br />self-sufficient and self-reliant; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the State of California has passed enabling legislation <br />to carry out the JTPA and the CSBG: and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the County and the Cities referenced herein have been <br />designated in accordance with the law as a Service Delivery Area <br />(hereinafter "SDA") under the JTPA, and as a Community Action Agency <br />(hereinafter "CAA") under CSBG; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Title 1~ Divisiom 7, Chapter 5 of tile Government Code <br />of the State of Caifornia (Section 6500 et seq.) (hereinafter <br />"Code") authorizes joint execise of powers agreements of two or more <br />public agencies for any power common to them; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the County and the City of Fjemc. nt on. April 22, 1975, <br />created a joint powers agency designated as the Alameda County <br />Trai~,~ng -_~d Emp]o~,ment Boar,~ (b,~reinaf~er "ACTEB") to operate and <br />employment and training programs under the Comprehensive Employment <br />arb] Training Act (hereinafter "CETA")~ an,] <br /> <br /> WPtEREAS, the Cities of Alameda, Albany, Emer'yvllLe, f{al/ward, <br />[.lvermore, NewarK, Piedmont, Pleasanton, San [.,eandro, and Union City <br />have participated in, with full ',otin9 r'jgbts, the ACTEB Joint Power <br /> <br /> <br />