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7. The final parcel map shall include the subdivision number under which the <br />subdivision application was approved and the Assessor's Parcel Number(s) for <br />the original parcel(s) prior to subdivision. <br />8. Prior to the first plan check, the applicant's engineer/surveyor shall submit a <br />preliminary copy of the final parcel map to the City. The City will forward this <br />document to its consultant who will estimate the cost for examining the map and <br />certifying that the map is technically correct and in accordance with Section <br />66442 of the California Subdivision Map Act. After the consultant has provided a <br />cost estimate, the applicant's engineer/surveyor may submit the first plan check <br />along with a deposit for these costs along with all other standard plan check <br />fees. Any unused portion of the estimate will be returned to the applicant after <br />the map is recorded. Similarly, if the applicant withdraws the application in <br />writing prior to the consultant having performed the work, any unused portion of <br />the deposit will be returned to the applicant. Conversely, should consultant's <br />estimate be insufficient to cover all of the consultant's time, the applicant will be <br />required to pay the City the difference between the estimate and the actual cost <br />prior to submittal of the map for the City E:ngineer's approval. <br />9. Prior to the recording of the condominium plan, the property owner shall submit <br />to the City Engineer for review and approval two prints of the condominium plan <br />and one copy of the a then current title report. <br />10. Any dedications, open offers of dedication, or grants of easements may be <br />dedicated and accepted on the face of the map. Agreements or other required <br />items shall be recorded as separate documents concurrently with the recordation <br />of the Final Map. <br />11. The property owner's title company shall record the final parcel map and any <br />required separate documents with the Alameda County Recorder's Office. <br />12. The property owner shall provide the City with a reproducible copy of the <br />recorded map with all recording data shown. <br />13. When the map is submitted for City Engineer's signature, the developers <br />engineer shall provide the City with a electronic copy of the final map, excepting <br />the certification information. When the condominium plan is to be recorded, the <br />property owner shall provide the City with electronic copy that shows the lot <br />outlines and shows the street address centered on each lot. <br />14. The property owner shall provide all buyers with copies of these project <br />conditions of approval, a copy of the CC&R's, and a full size plan of the <br />condominium plan. <br />15. The final parcel map, condominium plan and the CC&R's shall be recorded for <br />the project prior to sale of any lots. Additionally, a Department of Real Estate <br />report is required prior to the sale of any lots. <br />