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[ x t a a r~ o i u i i o x s <br />Introduction <br />1'hc Citc of Plcnsanton conn~ac~cd kith 1?ncrgc Solwions to anahzc nc~ tcasibilin ut ins~alliug a solar <br />photovoltaic (PV') scstcm ai the Ciic's Operations Scr~-icc Center. This studt~ pro~~idcs a prcliminarc <br />review of the primate factors affecting nc~ ushnical and financial icasibilit~ of installing a PV~ scstcm at <br />this sire, iududiug site oricmation and shading assessment, iustallatiou consider:v ions ;uul system <br />placement, site clecn~ical usage aualcsis, and nu esiimnied project elecn-icia- rate premium. Phis report <br />utilizes these factors in projecting a system size th:u will optimize the benehis of a PV" svs taut, as <br />illustrated through three hnancial scenarios: status c~uo, ouU~ight purchase, and power purdtasc <br />agreement. <br />Site Analysis <br />I?S amducmd peeliminarc site auah~sis of nc~ <)perations Serrice Cemer to identitc and assess anc <br />significant impediments that could pre~~em the installation or reduce the pcoduciivity of a PV'scstcm. <br />1'he site assessment inducted a basic structural re~~iccv of c~isting buildings, site shading anahsis, and <br />basic clcc nical asscssmm~c~ <br />Structural <br />1'he Ciiv of Plctsanton OSC site consists of sis L~utlerC~ steel buildings rhar were an~structed iu 199U. <br />1':S ~cas informed be the Citc of Pleasanton Ihal the roots ~cere designed for e li~~c load of l2; 30 <br />pounds per square tool, a collateral load of 3 pounds per square toot and a kind design of 711 utph. <br />liter inspection, the rooftops ai the OSC arc standing scam metal coottops wii6 nvo tool separation <br />beto~een root stuns. 'hhe purlins of the steel buildings arc positioned ~ fact on center. l'hesc rooftops <br />should be sutficicut to support most aluminum tilt-up racking scstcros and flat uxxuv ing s~s[rm s, <br />which weigh less than -l lbs per syuace ~ix>i. <br />The naccagc lifetime of the roof according to the manutacatca~ is 3U scars. Since the buildings ar dx~ <br />OSC were amsnuemd in 19)U, the roofs kill likd_c need to be replaced before nc~ end of the e~pecied <br />3~ tear lifetime of a Pt' system. AV-hen designing a scstcm the Cin~ should take into cousideraiion the <br />likdv need io iemporarik renuice and reinstall the PV' arrac when replacing each buildings rout in or <br />around the vcu- _U3U. <br />Note rhar this prcliminarc assessment should uoi be used as the final determination on the structural <br />iutcgrity of the root. Prior ro installing a PV' sstcm, l'hc Citc ut Plcasauum should conduct a <br />comprehensive structural analcsis to determine ibc aceepiable load tin- each rooftop. I f die root <br />cannot currcndv support nc~ arrac, than the mot eau be rciuforced be adding addition purlins in the <br />area ibc solar system would be placed or other reinforcement teehnic~ucs. L is rcaanutcuded Thai arty <br />additional financial burden associated kith possible rout reinforcement should be determined betin-e <br />finalizing the solar system as the size of the arrac -and thereG~re the ~eeight of the scstcm -could <br />instead be adjusted dowmvard as needed. <br />i <br />'I'hr LinLi~ rtc>smcnl .i <,unies a roof nu nmaJ PA' >_~'>rt~m and discs nut rr.uninr truund-nu nun cd upiiom .i> dua <cstan. <br />.ire ~c~~iedh rs. ici.¢ul ~~idi larger, o~ uuhn scJe project=- <br />