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f V[ A 6 1' ~ O L J I I Q X$ <br />Executive Summary <br />the Citc of Plcasanto^ is c~ploring the Icasibiliic of insrdling a photocolraic (Pt') scstcm ai their <br />Operations and Scrciec Center (()SC) site :u 3333 Busch Rd. I?nergc Sulutious conducted a pre- <br />fcasibilin- smdc h>cusing on sip buildin~,>y on the OSC site: Parks lleparuneni, Si rests L~epartnunt, <br />Sc~crr Dcparuncnt, AV~arcr I~cparnncn t, Support Scrciccs and the .Adminisn-a tio^ Building. <br />'I'bis souls reaie~cs the primate Castors affecting nc~ feasibility- of this project, including: <br />• 5olac resources <br />• InsC.tllation considerations <br />\pplicabilit~ of PG&li Small Renc~cablc Generator offering <br />Financial Options and .Anaksis <br />1'he solar resource ar nc~ OSC ~cas c~~aluatcd and determined ro be optimal for nc~ plaecu~em of a PV' <br />system cousideriug i6c south facing orientation of all ut the rooftops. Bur, through nc~ site inspection <br />conducted be IiS, it ~cas found chat each rooftop had a shading concern due ro rooftop eyuipmeut and <br />ti>ur buildings had tree foliage shading. Ii ~~ as determined that nc~ optimal south facing rooCiops for <br />PV' installation include atop nc~ Yarls l~eparnnent, Streets llepariment, Se~cer Ihparnnent, and \V~ater <br />llcparuncvt Buildings. 'l~hc Support Scrciccs and .Administcatiou building are amsn~aincd be shading <br />from e~teusi~z• rooftop eyuipmenr and ~cere therehn'e out ideal. Note that before moving for card, a <br />structural auaksis should be performed to ~-critt~ cads cooC can s~ruciutalk support nc~ PV' ct sicnt. <br />1 represenrui~ c YV' s~ aem ~cas designed tits the Citc of Plctsannai that included taco separate <br />scstems. One PV' scsu~m ~c-ould feed the Municipal \C~ell No. R and the other scstcm ~euuld iced the rest <br />of the Operations and Sa-~-ice Center. "1'he sizes for each Pt' scaem arc summarized in'1'able I(ti-I. <br />l~hc PV' scstems c~ aluated for the Ciic of Pleasanton ~cere designed «ith cared capacities to optimize <br />the financial return of the PV' scstems gi~~cn the limited rooftop space a~~aihtble for the PV' s~ stems. Fur <br />comparison purposes, the annual energc usage estimated for each site is also sho~c-n in Table I~:S L. <br />Table 1: Estimated Energy Usage and PV Electricity Generation <br />"~`'°"`~"°~'°'°""° 603 89 122 <br />Center (OSC) <br />Well No. 8 691 275 375 <br />there arc mam- financing options that the Citc ut Pleasauum can utilize ro fund their PV' scstcm. <br />'1'hcsc options include a Third pare- PP:A, leasing nc~ scstcm, and loo interest lo;ms. lincrgc Solutions <br />recommends that the Citc of Pleasanton explore a third parn~ PP:A or leasing arraugenuni since this <br />~s ill alk>~c the cite to take advantage of the federal tai a~edir and accdertted depreciation. l~he Guaucial <br />auaksis has dcicrmined an after uts annbincd'J"~, internal rate of return, ~chich is in line~~ith third <br />parn~im-cstors cvpcctations. <br />1~here appear w be uu silntitiauu barriers regarding Pt' teehnologc, interanumciion, or site <br />characteristics at nc~ OSC. Then~fore, I~:S recommend., installing a PV' s~ stem at the Cin- of Pleasanton <br />Operations and Scr~~ice Center <br />