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[ N [ A 6 Y~OLJ I10 NS <br />amsidceation tut rnouming angle. -Another benefit is impruccd aesthetics of nc~ Pt' scsrcm as die <br />panels kill be nunmtcd Flush kith the csisting roof instead of lihcd up o(( the runt. I~inalh; the tlus6 <br />^wuui arraugcnunt ~~~ill reduce she kind shear loads espcricnced be die Pt' scsrcm. <br />phis studs recommends xnad~ing the PV' arras to the root using a uuu pencu~a~iug damp scs~em (suds <br />as the 5-~f damp) that arc designed speciFlcxlk for suuidiug scam metal roots as those tinuul on the <br />OSC buildings. 'Phis tope of nnxuviug scsrcm is annuum practice for PA' installation on standing <br />scam roofs and has been used wccesstulh- for several scars. <br />Orientation <br />The dccn-icitc gcucration potential of a PV' panel is nttccicd be the paucPs pitch and be the cardinal <br />direction [he pond is facing. 1'he USC is fortunate that the length of the buildings align in an cast-crest <br />direction resulting in unc halt aF cacti root being tilted dirccrlc rc~ceards nc~ south o-hidi is nc~ oprinud <br />cardinal direction to nui~imire autpW per PV' panel. <br />Chc other half of nc~ roof is also un a nord~ south axis bu[ the pitch of the roof is a>ccards nc~ north. <br />PV' ponds placed on [his section of the roof e-ould be lilted ~o~card the north reducing the per panel <br />electrical owpw, unless a more cosdc tilted mounting scsrcm seas used. 'this studs focused on du~ <br />south facing roof area io increase cost-effectiveness of the scsrcm ~~~hik also increasing aesthetic <br />appeal of nc~ scsrcm ccirh a Flush mounted scsrcm. <br />Initial System Sizing <br />hhere arc aco distinct Been ieitc demands at the Cin~ of Plcasaniun OS(. site: sip cite operations <br />buildings and one cc~a ter pump fur A[unicipal VC ell flu. B. 'Cherefore, nc~ representative PV' scsrcm ~cas <br />designed as tR-u separate scstcros ~~-ith the YV' panels on nc~ Parts building ro feed nc~ OSC decn~ic <br />meter and YV' panels un the and Streets, Se~cer, and \V~ater buildings to teed VC2~11 No. H electric meter. <br />I~:S sized nc~ i~co PV' scstcros based on the a~~ailable unshaded root space, historical utilitc dectriatl use <br />data, historical peak electrical demand data, and optimized financial return. 'I'hc recommended sizing <br />tar the m-o separate PV' scstcros arc is located in fable L The PV" scsrcm eapaeitc is calculated using <br />the Caliii>nria I~:ncrgc Commission P'1Y: rating and includes im crter l)C (direct current) to AC <br />(eilernalingQlrrem) iUSSes. <br />Table 2: Recommended PV System Sizes <br />