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Commissioner Rowland discussed her visit to Open Heart Kitchen during their time of crisis and <br />commended them on the improvements they have made. <br />Chairperson Kennedy closed the Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m. <br />hhe Commission reviewed funding requests and staff recommendations with Mr. Erickson and Ms. <br />Yurchak. <br />Commissioner Detweiler discussed the conservative $250,000 grant amount being assumed by staff and <br />what the consequences would be should the actual amount received from HUD be larger or smaller. Mr. <br />Erickson explained staff s reasoning for using this amount and discussed the funding recommendations <br />they had made. He also noted the $5,000 minimum grant amount that has been used in the past. <br />fhc Commission discussed how to allocate and distribute any additional funds, should the amount <br />received from I IUD be larger than the $250,000. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner "fcnbrink, seconded by Commissioner Lambert, to allocate funds as <br />recommended in the March 4, 200), staff report, with the understanding that any additional funds received <br />from I IUD will be allocated proportionately to the amount not funded. <br />Discussing the motion, Commissioner Detweiler expressed her concerns should the I IUD funds received <br />be less than the $250,000 amoum assumed by staff Commissioner Nagler also felt that the motion should <br />indicate specific choices should more or less funding be received. Commissioner Rowland agreed with <br />this suggestion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Detweiler, Lambert, "I~enbrink, and Chairperson Kennedy <br />NOES: Commissioners Nagler and Rowland <br />AI3SEN'f: Commissioner Wilson <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />The Commission further discussed how to distribute fimds should any less than the $250,000 amount <br />assumed by staff is received from HUD. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Tenbrink, seconded by Chairperson Kennedy, recommending that <br />any deficit in funding be distributed equally among the seven (7) applying agencies, should the total grant <br />amount be less than the $250,000 assumed by staff. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE,: <br />AYES: Commissioners Detweiler, Lambert, Nagler, Rowland,'fenbrink, and Chairperson Kcnncdy <br />NOES: None <br />At3SEN'f: Commissioner Wilson <br />AL3S'l'AIN: None <br />Commissioner Nagler discussed with Mr. Erickson distribution of any funds that the City might receive <br />from the Government's Stimulus Package. Mr. Erickson advised that should the City receive funds from <br />Human Services Commission Minutes <br />March 4, 2009 <br />Page 4 <br />