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3.2-4 of the Draft EIR). The Draft EIR therefore has already adequately <br />modeled and assessed the potential impacts of the Concurrent Extension <br />on localized carbon monoxide air quality. <br />E. Impact AQ-5. Toxic air contaminants. <br />The Draft EIR concludes that, with the Deferred Extension, the Project will <br />result in less than significant toxic air contaminant impacts after mitigation. <br />(Impact AQ-5, Draft EIR, page 3.2-17.) Potential exposure of onsite <br />residents to toxic air contaminants due to proximity to I-580 would not <br />change under the Concurrent Extension because it would not alter the <br />distance between the Project's senior housing uses and I-580. The <br />impact of the Concurrent Extension therefore would be the same as the <br />impact of the Deferred Extension assumed in the Draft EIR. Potential <br />exposure of on- and off-site residents and nearby schools as a result of <br />the Concurrent Extension still would be less than significant because, as <br />stated in the Draft EIR, "the proposed project would not cause area <br />roadways (other than I-580) to exceed CARB's screening threshold for <br />high-traffic roadways, including Stoneridge Drive (even with extension of <br />Stoneridge Drive, which is not part of the proposed project but is included <br />in the City's General Plan)." (Draft EIR, page 3.2-18 (emphasis supplied).) <br />Exposure from the Livermore Airport would be the same with the <br />Concurrent Extension because Livermore Airport operations would not be <br />affected by the Concurrent Extension. Potential increases in toxic air <br />contaminants as a result of any increased traffic along Stoneridge Drive <br />due to the Concurrent Extension would be offset by the corresponding <br />reduction in traffic (and resulting toxic air contaminants) along I-580 and <br />nearby local streets. <br />F. Impact AQ-6. Odors <br />The Draft EIR concludes that, under the Deferred Extension, the Project <br />will result in less than significant odor impacts. (Impact AQ-6, Draft EIR, <br />page 3.2-19.) Because the uses of the Project site would be the same <br />with the Concurrent Extension, the Project would not generate any <br />significant additional odors as a result of the Concurrent Extension. Any <br />increase in automobile odors as a result of increased traffic through the <br />Project site caused by the Concurrent Extension would be offset by the <br />corresponding reduction of odors caused by slower automobile travel over <br />greater distances around the perimeter of the Project Site as a result of <br />the Deferred Extension and by the corresponding reduction of odors <br />caused by any traffic diverted from I-580 to Stoneridge Drive. <br />G. Impact AQ-7. Greenhouse gasses. <br />The Draft EIR concludes that, under the Deferred Extension, the Project <br />will result in less than significant greenhouse gas impacts. (Impact AQ-7, <br />Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan Amendment and Staples Ranch Project <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 19 of 47 <br />