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State legislation would be brought to the Commission's attention when considering <br />applications under this category. <br />Ms. Decker stated that both PRZ-39 and PRZ-43, Massage Ordinance, are designed <br />to bring the Code up to State requirements and consistency with the entire Code. <br />She added that if the ordinances are not prioritized and are consequently not worked <br />on, staff would follow State requirements. Mr. Dolan advised that staff would most <br />likely alert the Commission as required and that this might be a good reason to <br />make them less of a priority than other items. <br />Commissioner Narum asked if the Commission had discussed PRZ-31, the 40-day <br />requirement to hear appeals. She stated that she felt it was more an overhaul of the <br />appeal process, fees, and criteria and that she would rather see this done than <br />piece-mealing it. Commission Blank stated that Chair Pearce had a lot to say about <br />it the past month and wondered if it was a more rigorous interpretation by the City's <br />legal counsel because other than one time, he could not recall a situation where an <br />item did not meet the 40-day requirement. <br />Mr. Dolan stated thattheCity has had success in being persuasive in granting an <br />extension and that he could not explain why more recent applicants have raised the <br />concern. He added that he and felt that in some previous cases, the applicant might <br />not have been aware of it or was not that concerned. <br />Commissioner Blank agreed with Commissioner Narum that there was more to <br />PRZ-31 than just the 40-day requirement, and Commissioner O'Connor inquired if <br />fees would be affected. Mr. Dolan replied that PRZ-31 includes a recommendation <br />to evaluate the appeal process in a very comprehensive way, which would include <br />fees, criteria, and others. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that from his perspective, PRZ-31 is an administrative, <br />functional issue that can be handled by the City Manager orthe City's administrative <br />staff and should not be a priority of the Planning Commission to fix. <br />Acting Chair Olson stated that based on his two-year experience as a Planning <br />Commissioner, he believed there were a couple of items on the list that needed to <br />be prioritized. <br />Commissioner Fox referred to wood burning fireplaces and inquired if this would <br />pertain only to new construction or if existing fireplaces would be banned. Mr. Dolan <br />replied that four to five years ago, the Bay Area Air Quality Management <br />District (BAAQMD) developed a model ordinance and pushed to have all <br />jurisdictions consider adopting it or some version of it. He stated that he did not <br />believe it outlawed existing wood burning stoves. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that BAAQMD has a much higher profile with Spare the <br />Air Nights and was conducting enforcement. He noted that in his four years as <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 28, 2009 Page 6 of 10 <br />