Total Recycling Associates/Chabot Space and Science Center, 08-26, Speed Sorting Recyclables, Oakland, West
<br />County - $3000.00 funds will be used to design a game, similar to Whack-a-Mole, where items are to be placed in
<br />baskets for composting recycling or garbage. t3askets are then checked for accw~acy and prizes awarded. Game will be
<br />played during the 2008 Alameda County Fair.
<br />Montevideo Elementary School, 08-27, Save Our Planet (Pitch In), San Ramon, Fast County - $900.00 Create a
<br />contest at school, were children submit art work, which is later chosen and turned into labels to be placed on containers
<br />for each classroom to recycle. Each week containers would be emptied and taken to a local recycling station.
<br />Northern California Recycling Association, 08-28, In-Depth Zero Waste by NCRA News, Berkeley, West County -
<br />$3000.00 to fund In-Depth coverage beyond mainstream media of Za~o Waste planning and program irnplemcntation in
<br />Alameda County communities and widespread dissemination to public libraries, environmental educators, elected
<br />officials, recycling and waste management professionals, businesses and citizens who have become interested in this most
<br />important subject manner.
<br />Total Recycling Associates, 08-29, On-Line Publication of GHG's and Recycling Webinars, Oakland, West County
<br />- $3000.00 produce an on-line publication of GHG's and Recycling Webinars.
<br />North Oakland Community Charter School, OS3Q Composting and Recycling throughout our school year,
<br />Oakland, West County - $2400.00 students will continue setting up and maintaining a composting program aimed at
<br />diverting snack food waste from landfills. Compostable snack food scraps h~om morning and lunch recess as well as the
<br />after school program will be sorted and prepared by students Gom composting. In addition, worm bins will be set up in
<br />classrooms and students will learn worm composting through amini-unit vermicomposting.
<br />Alisal Elementary School, OS31, Alisal Elementary's Outdoor Classroom/Garden, Pleasanton, Fast County -
<br />$3000.00 the Outdoor Classroom will allow school to locus on conservation and preservation of natural resources.
<br />School would also like to grow their own resources in the garden and start a composting component where compost is
<br />generated Gom food scraps generated during daily lunch.
<br />John Green F,Iemen[ary School, 0832, .lohn Green Elementary Food Waste Program, Dublin, East County -
<br />$2463.00 John Green Elementary is in the process of irnplemen[ing a comprehensive campus wide recycling program that
<br />we hope will serve as a model for other schools in the Dublin School District. In addition to recycling mixed paper, John
<br />Green Elementary would like to implement a pilot cafeteria food waste recycling program, as well as a bottle and can
<br />fundraiser program.
<br />Crocker Highlands Elementary School, 0833, Recycling Management, Oakland, West County - $3000.00 instill a
<br />culture of"zero waste" by actively monitoring and promoting the schools recycling program.
<br />St Raymond's School, OS35, St. Raymond's School & Church Recycling Program, Dublin, East County -
<br />$1789.00 to purchase indoor and outdoor recycling containers necessary to collect mixed paper, food scraps, and
<br />separated bottles and cans for fundraising with a goal to green the facility and teach good environmental stewardship.
<br />'Cotal Recycling Associates, 0836, CD on Materials Processing, Oakland, West County - $1800.00 find appropriate
<br />footage, edit into a useable CD, secure publication rights, and distribute the film.
<br />Total Recycling Associates, 0837, Bcst Management Practices for Residential Curbside in High Pm~forming
<br />Households, Oakland, East County - $2800.00 recruit about 200 households in fully served communities with high
<br />personal recycling involvement goals to participate as volunteers in accurately recording over a (3) month period
<br />information about, the size of their household, the amount in pounds ofgarbage created weekly, anecdotal accounts of
<br />material usage, the leading materials by weight still in their garbage can and the volume of existing garbage can filled
<br />each week. Data would be collected & tabulated and statements can be made about how little garbage is created in
<br />households with best management practices for discards.
<br />Grattan Elementary School, 0838, Compost Teacher Fieldtrips, San Francisco, West County - $2025.00 Grattan's
<br />gardening program will be implementing a new (3) bin composting system in the spring of 2009. This project will
<br />include an after school, professional development outing for the teaching staff of Grattan to the Garden for the
<br />Environment (GEE), an educational demonstration garden, for a tour of the garden and composting workshop. Grattan is
<br />looking to this teacher field trip as an opportunity for the teachers to build their own understanding of composting and be
<br />ready to utilize Grattads new compost bins with their students.
<br />Grattan Elementary School, 0839, 3-Bin Compost System, San Francisco, West County - $2720.00 Grattan garden
<br />is in need of a permanent three-bin composting system to be used as an educational and gardening tool. The current
<br />system (a heap) would be replaced with a contained, pest free compost system that can be used more fully integrated into
<br />the gardening curriculum. Students will learn and experience how to compost the school's garden waste, clippings, food
<br />scraps, etc. and convert it directly into rich fertilizer for the school garden.
<br />