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R co 't - <br /> e rdifig Requested By <br /> <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> <br /> And When Recorded Mail To: <br /> - City of Pleasanton <br /> :~'~-~.~7;~.~i:..~'j :.~r; . :... - .I., i. ---: ='-*-'.~ 200 Bernal Avenue <br /> Pleasanton, California 94566 <br />..~._~,-~-:~,~ .~2- - 1)EEl) OF EASEMEN'F <br /> <br /> · . z- ....... - ' ' PLEASANTON JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALAMEDA AND CONTRA COSTA <br /> ".: . ' - COUNTIES, STATE OF C~LIFORNIA, a public school district, hereinafteP called <br /> <br /> --. .,...v - - : "Grantor", hereby grants and conveys to the CITY OF PLEASANTON~ a municipal <br /> <br /> "'L::'~.. " ' ': ' 2 assigns forever, for value received, a perpetual easement ~d ~ight of way to imt~l~ <br /> construct, reconstruct, maintain, inspect, repaiP and use a public steeet ~d <br /> <br /> appuPtenanees thereto, in, over, aePoss~ th~ongh, along, and ~deP said ~eal ~o~rty <br /> ~. ~~..~ .~~~~~~~~~~ located in Pleasaton, California, and more ~etieulafly deseeibed in Exhibit A attached <br /> -.-" -- hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and made a ~et hereof, subjeet~ <br /> <br /> ' ' : ' howevee, to any and aB unpaid taxes, aasessments, easements, fights of way, restrictions, <br /> reservations, covenants, conditions, deeds of t~ust, moPtgages, oPdin~ees~ liens~ <br /> encumbrances and defects of title, if any, thereon and thePeto of any natuPe oP kind <br /> whatsoever, whethee recorded or not. <br /> This GPant of E~ement is subject to the following covenants, te~ms and condition: <br /> - 1. The Grantor and its heirs, successors and mssi~ shall not do o~ ~low to be done <br /> ' aything which may interfere with the full enjoyment by the GP~tee of the righ~ herein <br /> ..:_ ~anted. <br /> 2, In the event said easement shall eveP cease to be ~ed fo~ ~blie street <br /> pur~ses~ it shall then automatically revert to the Grantor, its successors and ~si~. <br /> 3. The Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever, covenant and a~ee to <br /> protect and indemnify the Grantor, its officers, agents or employees and their heirs, <br /> successors and assigas forever, and defend and save them harmless in every way from ~1 <br /> suits or actions at law or equity for damage or injury to persons, life or pro~rty that <br /> may arise or be oceasioned in any way because of its constructing, improving, <br /> . maintaining, pepairing, operating and using sni~4 easement and ~1 appurtenances thereto. <br /> 4. This deed is also subject to all of the terms ~ld conditions contained in <br /> '~ ' Resohjt~on No, 198!/82.3 adopted on ~Xpril 14, 1982, by the Board of Trytees of the <br /> Pleasanton Joint School District, a e~py of which is attached hereto ~d by this <br /> <br /> <br />