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PC 042308
City of Pleasanton
PC 042308
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PC 042308
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that was in place, servicing the BART station itself. He noted there was considerable <br />infrastructure work to be done. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that Mr. Heffner had not directly addressed her question and asked <br />once more whether, if CalTrans took the spaces, it would be technically feasible to go <br />underneath the buildings to be constructed and put one or two levels of parking under the <br />building after the fact. Mr. Tang replied that it would not be feasible to dig under the existing <br />building and that one of the mitigations was to put parking underneath the portion of the freeway <br />so there would not be a net loss of parking. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired whether they anticipated making any arrangement with <br />Stoneridge Mall for use of its parking lot in that event. Mr. Heffner replied that they did not <br />anticipate that situation. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she believed the "elephant in the room" was the parking and <br />suggested that if everything went as planned, there was still not enough parking. She inquired <br />what the contingency plan would be in that event. She recalled the Dublin situation where the <br />residents complained that there was not enough parking. She noted that the numbers looked <br />good but that the result did not meet the demands. <br />Commissioner Narum asked what their plan would be in the absolute worst-case scenario. <br />Mr. Heffner noted that the mechanical parking would be the mitigating factor if more parking <br />would be needed. He stated that they would install that equipment on the surface parking lot up <br />against the freeway and that it would be the worst-case scenario. He stated that they would have <br />professional property management on-site with the managers living on-site 24/7 and that there <br />will be 24/7 security. He noted that the managers would be aware of what the parking impacts <br />would be at all times, which would be valuable information if CalTrans ever took over the right- <br />of-way. He noted that they would use mechanical parking if there were too many cars and that a <br />two-bedroom unit would not automatically get two spaces for their cars. He noted that the <br />tandem spaces would always be assigned to the same unit and that the parking would be <br />unbundled from the rent. He added that if a resident had three cars, the resident would pay three <br />times the parking space fee than the resident with one car. He noted that they were trying hard to <br />discourage the use of the car and encourage the use of mass transit. He added that they were <br />discussing the possibility of exploring the Flex Car program. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Narum regarding whether the permitted retail uses <br />had been shown to mall management and whether they have any input with respect to <br />competition, Mr. Otto noted that staff had not shown the list to the mall. Mr. Heffner noted that <br />they had been in touch with the mall and had explained their retail uses on the site. He noted that <br />the specific list of uses had just been received, and no discussion on it has taken place. He added <br />that the urban grocery concept had been discussed and that they were in favor of it. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that staff's memo detailed the proposed changes to the <br />conditions of approval and noted that some had been eliminated. He inquired how committed <br />staff was to the eliminations and noted that they had discussed ensuring that a grocery store be <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, April 23, 2008 Page 17 of 28 <br />
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