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Gary Torretta, representing the Pereira Partnership, indicated the changes in the language <br />were acceptable to them. <br />Mike Madden indicated that a lease represented real property and that he could not state <br />that it would be acceptable to his tenant; he could not unilaterally make that statement <br />without opening himself to a lawsuit. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Blank, Fox, Narum, Olson, and Pearce. <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />RECUSED: None. <br />ABSENT: None. <br />Resolution No. PC-2008-05, recommending approval of PUD-81-28-05M, was <br />entered and adopted as motioned. <br />Chair Blank noted that because of the heavy agenda and the approaching late hour, <br />Item 6.d. would be continued to the meeting of February 27, 2008. <br />5.a. PDR-645, Howard Parsell <br />Application for design review approval to construct four multi-tenant buildings <br />totaling 70,575 square feet with landscaping and lot improvement at the property <br />located at 3700 Boulder Court. Zoning for the property is I-G-40 (General <br />Industrial) District. <br />Ms. Decker noted that a neighboring property owner had indicated that there were <br />drainage issues with respect to the property to the north, and, as proposed, only a portion <br />of the actual whole property of three parcels would be developed. The neighboring <br />owner asked staff to consider that a drainage solution be provided to ensure that the entire <br />property drained to the street and not onto their property as it currently did. Staff crafted <br />an additional condition, which was agreeable to the owner and the developer, which <br />states: "A drainage plan for the remaining portion of the site shall be submitted to the <br />City Engineer for review and approval prior to issuance of any permit. Said drainage <br />system shall be installed and finaled prior to occupancy of any of the buildings." <br />Ms. Decker noted that the parcel map that had been processed and recorded for this site <br />had a condition of approval that stated that prior to design review application, a <br />geotechnical investigation must be done for the purposes of conducting an Initial Study <br />or Negative Declaration. A geotechnical report dated July 2006 was submitted in <br />November 2007, and there were no contaminants or items of concern. Additionally, the <br />conditions indicated that the project would be required to process an Initial <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 13, 2008 Page 16 of 42 <br />